Sunday, 9 August 2020

Day 144 - Walk 500 miles

Posted 2 entries today. 👍

I slept really well and didn't even stir when Rob came to bed which was nice and I woke up before my alarm. I tried to just chill in bed for a bit but got bored so went and did breakfast for Leo and Oscar who followed me down the stairs.

I was due to meet Karen at 10am for a walk.  Now I know that Karen loves a good long walk so expected to be out for a couple of hours.  I met her on time and we set off.  Luckily it was overcast and cool so made for pleasant walking.  We haven't seen each other for ages so we had so much to catch up on.

Long story very short, we walked away from our homes for 2 hours! It was a lovely walk following a river so it was all grass, fields and tons of cows.  I love cows, Karen, not so much. 😄

I realise these aren't cows 😊
We got a little lost at one point but a quick look at Google and we were back on track.
I eventually arrived home 4 hours and 2 minutes after I left.  My leg was hurting and my hips on fire!

Rob was lying on the sofa watching the Grand Prix, Ellis on his computer and the other 2 on their screens.  It was 2:20pm and nobody had had any lunch!  I sorted out everyone's food and tried to read my book in the garden but I was zonked and kept nodding off. 😅😂

I tried for the rest of the afternoon to do some blogging but with constant interruptions it has been taking a while.

I'm still feeling really tired and I hope my leg is okay for my jog in the morning. 🤞  Will get this finished early and head to bed at a sensible time.   I know I sound like a broken record with regards to sleep but I have good intentions, I can just never do it! 😂  Must try harder.

Food shop delivery due any minute so that will take a while to put away and then the process of getting kids showered and in bed will start.  They've all lost screen time this afternoon for being horrible to each other and annoying me.  They are currently playing really nicely together on the trampoline so that worked out well, after a couple of hours of arguing and moaning.
Ellis cooked another one of his lovely meals.  He really is getting good at this.  He didn't really try this dish and there are plenty of leftovers for Rob to enjoy.  He could probably take some to work with him tomorrow.

Ellis actually got in the pool! The boys were so pleased even though it didn't last long.

They're all showered and we currently have no hot water left as Leo spent about 20 minutes having a soak and they are sitting, close to each other, watching TV and getting on, which is unheard of.  I may need to take screens away more often, although Ellis told me "I hate you so much!" today which is sad. 😒  That's the first time he's done that.
I had a lovely Zoom chat with Lotty, none of the other Mummies could make it again but that's fine and it was good to catch up.  The last 2 weeks since we last spoke have flown by!
No plans for tomorrow, which is rubbish and I should of thought of something to do by now.  I might start sorting out the shoe situation.  They all need school shoes, trainers, PE trainers, Astro trainers, rugby boots and going out shoes! £££££££££££

Well, if leg lets me I'll do the usual routine in the morning, shower, then work it out from there. 🤔

Where they to? 9th August Toronto

We've settled into something of a lazy routine at Pam and Rob's meaning that we are, perhaps, depriving ourselves a little of what Toronto has to offer its tourists but I wouldn't say that we feel as though we are missing out. While this year is about seeing the World and what it has to offer, that doesn't have to mean that we should be spending every waking minute carrying a guide book and camera around, queueing politely at attractions and failing to understand bus timetables. It's also about the people we meet, seeing how they live away from the beaten tourist track and the experiences they give us, too.

Mush spent the morning reading a bit more Harry Potter and playing fetch with Bentley, while stroking Bear. Bear only fetches stuff when Bear wants to fetch stuff and, this morning, Bear didn't want to fetch stuff. I slept in and then spent a few hours over lunch sorting out our digital photos and making a few changes to our website.

In the afternoon, we went for a walk to the beaches on the North shore of Lake Ontario, about 2 miles along from where Pam and Rob's house. It's odd down there because the lake is much wider than the eye can see and it is far enough to the South shore that before land comes into sight, the curvature of the earth takes it away. The breeze is sufficient to make waves ripple up to the shore and, other than the lack of that familiar salty sea smell, you could be forgiven for thinking you were looking out to sea. On closer inspection, there are a few more hints such as the houses on the fringe of the beach that couldn't be there if the lake were tidal and the boardwalk that runs the length of the beach which is frequented by dog-walkers and roller-bladers.

We had a stone-skimming competition. Mush's best score was 7 and mine was 2, although, Mush was stealing all of the best stones from me and what I was left trying to do could, therefore, be more accurately be described as skimming boulders.

We had to be back for 7 as Pam and Rob were cooking for us again. How cool is that? We had to be careful not to be seen to be enjoying the food too much though, as Pam is currently putting herself through one of those detox plans where you drink half a glass of puréed carrot for breakfast and then gorge yourself on half a pint of liquidised beetroot for lunch. Delicious. I consider it something of a minor miracle of medicine that Pam was actually able to stand unaided on her own 2 feet. It'll be a cold day in Hell before you ever catch me detoxing. Far better to eat loads of greasy food and lubricate the way through to the other end and help the nasty toxins escape there, if you ask me. And, you only have to take one look at my chiselled physique to realise that I know what I'm talking about.

We whiled the evening away sitting on the patio, drinking jugs of beer from the beer fridge and watching the sun set. A family of raccoons climbed up over the edge of the cliff and ambled across the bottom of the garden while a couple of beautifully exotic red harlequins had a little scuffle right beside us setting a tranquil, natural seal on the evening.


Hot and sticky, still waiting for hot water. Ellis still eggy at me. Just about to start putting Oscar to bed.  And so it begins...

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