The 19th was a normal start to the morning. We had all had breakfast and I tried to send some pictures to Rob at work so he could see what he was missing.
We went to the health visitor in the morning and Oscar was weighed at 10lbs 15oz. The health visitor said I was doing really and to keep up the good work but that I should call them at any time if I felt I needed some help or support. Don't suppose they could breast feed for me for a bit! :o)
In the afternoon I had invited everyone over for Mummy afternoon and it was crazy to say the least! After everyone had left and I started to clear up, I realised that would be the last time I would invite the whole crew over. It was just too manic and I didn't get to sit and talk to anyone anyway.
The doctor phoned me in the afternoon to discuss having Colief on prescription. I had been told by friends and the health visitor that I would really need to sell my sob story to get it and so I had this whole story planned but when I spoke to the doctor she just said that a repeat prescription was at the desk ready for collection! I was really surprised and I think the health visitor must have said something to her.
That evening Rob came home and I said goodbye and left straight away to go and see Vivien and my active birthing group. I knew many wouldn't be there as they had left and had their babies and I was quite lucky really as it would turn out to be the last night that group was being held. I got to pass Oscar around and share my story of how things had gone and the girls asked me lots of questions. They even asked general questions about what things you need, how to change a nappy etc. I felt really good being able to help out a little bit.
I had a lovely time but was totally done in after such a hectic day.
The next day started pretty much the same as any other really. I get the boys up, feed them and take pictures to send to Rob at work.
I did take pictures of me in bed with Ellis and Oscar but I don't like how I look so I'm not posting them.
In the afternoon Auntie Nicky, Megan and Elin came over for their first visit with baby Oscar. They had cuddles of course and Nicky and I spent out time chatting about babies as we usually do. It's really nice as she has the same enthusiasm for it as I do.
The girls played with Ellis and Leo and Leo was so cute giving them cuddles as the left. He had just woken up from his nap but wanted to say bye properly.
We had to go to Sainsbury's after to buy some cards and a few bits before popping up to the post office.
We had the pleasure of having Mum over for the whole day on the 21st as I needed some help with a couple of appointments.
I know this is a random picture but I have to post it. It's just all of Oscar's cards that he received. A lot less than the first two boys but still a good amount I think.
Anyway Mum came over nice and early and Oscar and I left for his hip scan appointment at the hospital. Because he was breech he has to get his hips checked to make sure they are okay. Ellis had the same scan.
We parked up by the maternity department and walked down to the x-ray place where we bumped into the lady that was opposite me in hospital having her c-section because of her breech baby. We bothed had a good natter before we were called in for our appointment.
Oscar did really well and didn't make a sound or struggle while he was held between two cushions and scanned. He flinched a bit when the cold jelly was put on though.
The sonographer said that all was fine and a letter would be sent to our home to confirm that.
I rushed home to Mum who was getting on fine.
I then tried to take a picture of Oscar in this outfit, in the blue chair as I have the same one of Ellis, and I thought Leo too but after spending 30 minutes looking, I can't find it :o( They aren't the same age by the way. (OH JUST FOUND THE ONE OF LEO AN HOUR LATER!)
This is what I found of Leo to compare but I will do a proper 2 month and now 3 month update. Yep still catching up!
We chilled around the house, just pottering doing the washing etc and Mum getting some vitamins, of course!
It wasn't long before I had to take Ellis to his swimming lesson. Mum and Leo came too but Mum went off to Tesco to do a bit of shopping.
In the afternoon I had to go to the doctors for my 6 week check. I had a long list of things I wanted to talk to her about, one of them being I wanted to get all of my moles checked. I asked to be referred but she just said she would do it straight away as she had a few free slots of time anyway due to people cancelling or not showing up (because of the nice weather). Great I thought until I had to strip off and she physically pressed every single mole, counting them, checking the size, colour etc. She said they all looked fine though. Yay!
In the evening Dad came over for a take away which was well nice.
It was Good Friday the following day so Rob was home from work and we had planned a day out to the place we had recently been to with Mum and Auntie Katie. That didn't matter though.
Rob wasn't feeling well again so we went to the shops on the way to pick up some drugs for him and also the Colief prescription. Wicked!
It was another hot hot day and Rob smothered himself in sun cream.
We had a nice walk and picnic.
Some tree climbing.
Another go on the train but this time with just Daddy.
We then spent the rest of the time flopped out on a picnic blanket with Leo sleeping. Daddy and Ellis obviously were off playing though and Oscar fed and snoozed a bit.
Tired out at home.
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