Sunday 10th of April was a busy one. I took Oscar's one month photos, entry has already been posted, and then we climbed in the car to go out.
We stopped in to see Simon, Tilly, Ethan and Noah who had recently moved house and I had a card and gift for them. We stayed for a quick cuppa and the boys played lovely in the garden.
We then went to the big shops to get some stuff. They boys all stayed in the car and I legged it around the shops. Well not actually legged it as I was still struggling with some stitchy pains on one side of my incision site.
We popped home for a bit before going to Sainsbury's to do the food shopping. Very hectic day.
Rob spent his evening in the garden and I sorted the boys out and got them to bed.
Monday 11th April, Rob finally went back to work. I was a little worried about how I would cope with no extra help but I was confident I could do it. I had worked out ways I didn't have to lift Leo to much which was a great help. The main lifting was in and out of his cot. Most of the other things I could get him to climb up and just help him out for the last bit, like getting in the car or high chair. He loves climbing so wasn't an issue for him.
Ellis strangely slept in really late for him that morning and at gone 9am he was still snoozing!
This was great for me and the other 2 boys as I got to have one on one time with each of them.
I've realised that I take a lot of pictures on my phone as it is always to hand. The picture quality is not good but for memories sake, it will do. I've started to put them on my PC now so hopefully I will remember to post them on here.
For the first part of the morning we just chilled out in our pyjamas. Oscar was playing on his mat and I realised he had grabbed hold of his rattle for the first time. It's a fluke obviously.
In the morning I had a visitor. Saskia came over with Aiden. It was really good to have some company. We talked loads about babies as Saskia is expecting again so it's all still very exciting. I mentioned we were having troubles with colic and trapped wind with Oscar and she suggested we try a product called Colief which is an enzyme which helps to break down the milk. I was willing to give anything a go and Saskia very lovingly went and bought some for us to try.
After his first dose he went down for a sleep and slept well for a couple of hours! It was the first time he had had a solid chunk of sleep without waking up in pain screaming. I was so happy for him and us!
My first day with all 3 boys was going really well and I needed to pop out to the post office, so I got them all ready with no fuss and headed out.
After the post office I promised to take them to the park and I was feeling rather brave and thought why not.
We had a lovely time. I met a Mum from pre-school and she was surprised to see me there on my own with all 3. It went very well though and I even sent some pictures to Rob on my phone and captured a couple of videos.
On the way home I took a picture of this beautiful tree.
That evening it all went wrong. Thankfully Leo was in bed and Oscar was snoozing as Ellis vomited twice, in his bed. I was extra gutted as I had been going on and on about getting a waterproof sheet to go on the bed but hadn't got around to it yet. I was pretty pissed off with myself about that.
Ellis was very good though as he had to stand in the shower cubicle for ages on his own while I stripped the bed. He was soon snuggled up with loads of towels and a couple of bowls with instructions to try and get it in the bowl if he can.
Oscar and I chilled out for a bit before I decided it was best I tried to get some rest in case Ellis was up being sick in the night.
I went in to Ellis in the morning and couldn't smell or see any sick and he was still sleeping so left him there.
Later on he said to me that he had been sick again but managed to get it in the bowl like a good boy. Oh no! I went to check and he had indeed managed to get it in the bowl but mostly down the side of the wall and all down the mattress, divan and floor! Not impressed as I knew the smell would most likely not come out of the mattress and plus all the clearing up while taking care of 3 boys under 4 for only the second day on my own. It was tough going but I didn't let it get to me as I knew there was nothing else I could do, just had to keep my head down.
I did have things planned for the day but obviously ended up having to cancel everyone and just relaxed in the living room. Relaxed isn't really a word I should use to describe how things are when we are stuck in all day but you get the idea.
Best seat in the house!
trying to eat breakfast
on the phone to Daddy
flopping about
play doh
Mum and Dad were in the area in the afternoon and before coming over they picked up some stuff for me. One of the things being a waterproof mattress protector. Better late than never I suppose.
They helped me set up my new clothes line in the garden and to hang some washing out as I had a serious amount after all the being sick and I forgot to mention that Leo had had a bad bum and his nappies had been leaking, even during the night! What a mess! All on my first 2 days on my own too. These things are sent to try us and that they did.
Later afternoon Ellis invented a new game where he would lay all the pretend coins out in a trail which I had to follow until I found him at the end waiting, with his bucket, so that you could put the coins back in and he could start again. It was quite good fun but killed my back and tummy from all the bending over.
Oscar had a photo session.
Oscar had a photo session.
In the evening Rob was home and we really needed to do the foot and hand casts as Oscar was just over a month old. It is tough going on all of us. Rob has to measure out the ingredients and stir the mixture like crazy but quickly before it sets and I have to wet the limb, and hold Oscar still in a funny position with his limb in a freezing cold, gooey bag of alginate which sets hard and you then have to pull the limb back out, clean him up and try and settle him down ready for the next one. It isn't a nice experience at all but it's worth it for the end result I think. I will post pictures of the finished item, once it is done.
Oscar was put in bed by 10pm and we cleaned up for about 40 minutes after that.
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