On our way to the venue Leo fell asleep just as we arrived. He was really tired but slowly managed to wake up for the party. Sally took some pictures of my older boys while I fed Oscar.
So in the afternoon Rob gave Oscar a bottle for the first time. Half way through Ellis grabbed the bottle and decided to have a go. He did it really well and it was lush to watch. In the video he says about milk comes from boobies and cows. The milk in the bottle came from Mummy's boobies. So cute,but I put my finger over the microphone so you can't actually hear it.
After the singing and playing instruments there was an egg hunt. Little pictures of eggs are placed around the grounds and the kids collect them, take them to Debs who gives them a sweet out of a bucket. It works quite well but the queue to get a sweet is always huge and takes too long really.
It was Leo's first year doing it and we were lucky that one of the Nans at the party held Oscar so that I could help him or Ellis.
Easter Sunday, we told the boys that the Easter bunny had just ran through the kitchen, leaving these!
We spent a lot of time just chilling out at home, eating chocolate.
I got bored and the boys were bored too so later on in the afternoon I decided to take them up the field for a run around. Leo loved the chickens!
My Nan, Grandad and pet cat Misty are all scattered/buried in the little wooded area so I went to visit the site and have a look at the bluebells that were coming out. You really can't see in this picture but there were loads of pretty flowers. Bad picture.
We had a lovely walk all around the fields and sat on the benches that have plaques on for my Nan and Grandad. Really miss them all the time.
I had Misty for 13 years and she was my baby.
It was a bit hectic at times up the field as when I was sat feeding Oscar, Leo and Ellis were playing with lots of water, mud, manure, carrots, etc etc and it was quite a lot of work for Mum to keep on top of it while I was stuck, but they certainly had fun!
The 25th was a bank holiday so Rob was home again. He slept in and I was up with the boys. Oscar slept quite well though and fed at 7am and went back until 10am.
I managed to capture one of Oscar's first smiles to Ellis on my camera.
Rob took Ellis out mid morning to the tip for a boys outing but he fell asleep as soon as he pulled out the drive so missed it all anyway.
Leo napped so I tried to use the time to hand express some milk for Oscar to have out of a bottle.
So in the afternoon Rob gave Oscar a bottle for the first time. Half way through Ellis grabbed the bottle and decided to have a go. He did it really well and it was lush to watch. In the video he says about milk comes from boobies and cows. The milk in the bottle came from Mummy's boobies. So cute,but I put my finger over the microphone so you can't actually hear it.
Oscar fed a lot in the evening but I eventually got fed up and put him in his crib wide awake and he went to sleep on his own for the first time. Good boy.
Not long after I went to bed there were some huge bangs. I looked out the window to see a car on fire up the road. It kept making huge bangs and the fire brigade soon arrived to put it out. Tons of smoke, but only one fireman needed with an extinguisher.
Of course being nosey, Rob and I went out to have a look. Just outside our front door was a massive hedgehog which soon took off. So cute.
The following morning Rob went back to work and things got back to normal at home. I do try and grab the camera as much as I can to try and capture the boys growing up. It's much harder with 3 babies now as I don't have the free hands or time.
I did housework during the day but I kept checking on my computer about Ellis' school application. We had moved house to try and get him into a certain school that we liked and we were to receive the result on the 26th. It wasn't supposed to arrive until the afternoon but by mid morning the results were on the website and we had been approved for the school opposite our new house. Result! School run is going to be so easy!
We went out food shopping and to the shoe shop. That small sentence does no justice to the amount of work, time, sweat, tears, preparation, or stress it takes to do that!
Late afternoon we had a special guest. Ellis' key worker from preschool came over to have a quick visit. Lisa isn't his key worker any more as she has moved schools and he really misses her so it was so nice for him. He had a lovely time messing around and playing the shopping game.
After she left I bathed the boys and put them to bed but took some pictures of Oscar chilling first.
Oscar went to bed at 8pm and woke at 1:30am for a feed and then again at 5:30am.
The next day was mental! I was so busy I didn't take many pictures or videos.
First thing was getting everyone up and ready, then going to the dentist, which isn't just around the corner.
I parked up, loaded up the buggy and went in. It's a bit of a faff getting in as they have to come out and unlock 2 sets of double doors then there is a smaller door and reception inside.
Ellis started off running around and Leo was screaming to get out of the buggy. I tried to keep him there for as long as I could but it wasn't long. Then the receptionist got me to fill out some medical history forms for Ellis, Leo and I. I had to do this while trying to keep the boys in check.
Then we were called in. I went first and the boys actually played quite nicely with the Lego to start with and then Leo started to play with the sink and tried to climb up my legs onto the chair, while the dentist was checking my teeth.
Oscar then kicked off and it was all happening at once. I was getting a bit stressed but the dentist was well cool and just said not to worry as he was used to it and he wasn't bothered one bit.
I did think I might need a filling, my first by the way, but I was told there was nothing wrong and that maybe I grind my teeth at night which is why I have a sensitive tooth. Is there any wonder!
Next up was Ellis and he sat on my lap and the chair was reclined. He did really well. He put the glasses on and opened his mouth nice and wide and we looked at the pictures on the ceiling together. The assistant tried to calm Oscar and watch Leo.
Leo wouldn't sit or open his mouth but the dentist said he had a sneaky peek earlier on in the visit.
Stickers were given out and we tried to make a quick exit but more forms and payment were required. Luckily Oscar had gone back off.
We popped into a shop opposite to pick up a storage box for Oscar's memorabilia stuff which was uneventful.
We dropped Ellis off at school then went home to put Leo down for a nap, and Oscar continued to snooze.
I then fed Oscar, had and made lunch for Leo, got Leo up and fed him, picked Ellis up then went to Sainsbury's and Boots to do some shopping but realised I'd left my wallet at home! Ellis had his music class and Leo, Oscar and I went to the cafe to have some snacks that I had brought with me and I drank tap water.
Picked Ellis up, went home for dinner, tidied up, bathed all 3 boys and they were all in bed by 7:10pm. Phew! Get me! I was well proud of myself. I did a lot and was still smiling at the end of the day.
Oscar woke again at 7:45pm and was awake then until 9pm. Not much down time for me.
Thursday mornings are generally spent playing and getting ready for Ellis' swimming lesson. I have to do a packed lunch, and pack a bag for going up Mum and Dad's after.
Oscar watched his mobile for the first time.
Leo is a loony. He is such a funny, crazy little boy. He loves climbing, jumping, running and being outside. I sat and watched him do this for a while then captured a bit on video. He did it 11 times that I know of, in a row!
Sophie looked after my little loony while I took Ellis to swimming and then I had to rush back to his preschool to meet up with his key worker to see how things were going. We arrived early which was great as I got to chat without Leo being there. He got a glowing report and was even called the golden child. :o)
Sophie arrived with Leo for her meeting and I then took them home as Rob was back because the Friday was yet another bank holiday for the Royal Wedding.
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