We had a visit from Uncle Craig, Auntie Karen, Charley, Nanny and Grandad, last weekend and we had a lovely time.
On Monday we were still feeling ill so I told my Yoga Mummies that we wouldn't be making it to our lunch date as planned.
I wanted to visit Toys R Us to do some Christmas shopping. So Ellis had a quick chat with Chloe before we decided we would go and pick Nanny up and take her with us. The kids were so cute chatting to each other.
Tuesday was another bad day where we just didn't feel like leaving the house. So we didn't.
Mummy afternoon was at ours so Sally kindly stopped off and bought some biscuits for us as we didn't go out.
Ellis decided he didn't need to nap in the morning so I was very surprised that he made it all the way through the day. He played up a little bit but overall he wasn't too bad. That is the first time in his life that he hasn't had any sleep during the day.
He did try to fall asleep at the dinner table but I woke him up by having a bit of a dance.
My sister Kate came over in the evening and played with the boys and helped me to bath and put them to bed. It's so nice to have an extra pair of hands.
We ordered Chinese food and sat in front of the telly just chilling out and enjoying the food. It was a really nice evening.
Wednesday, Leo wore shoes for the first time! They were so cute and he looked like a little dude.
We then went to find Vivien's barn for Babyclub. We found it quite easily but it was an early start for us, having had to get out of the house by 9:30am.
We parked at the top of the lane and walked down with the buggy as I knew there was limited parking spaces and I had to leave early so didn't want to get trapped.
We had a really nice time, but it was hot and hectic. I wasn't happy about the amount of hot drinks going around and the boiling kettle was quite low. This meant I had to keep a close eye on Ellis and everyone around Leo. It was hard work but fun.
We had some nice cake and a good chat with everyone. My AB girls were there and Charlotte and Honour made it too which was great although I didn't get time to actually chat with them.
There was a hand printing station and some ladies doing a photo session. I decided to give it a go with the boys but Leo had only just woken up and I didn't have enough time to get him to do his best smile. Here is a copy of what they took. I personally think that I have taken better pictures myself and wasn't that happy with them. It was a bit of a rushed job though so maybe if we had more time we would have got some really good ones. Will definitely do a family photo shoot in the next couple of years.
Time moved on and I wanted to get home so Ellis could get an hour nap before Nanny arrived and I had to leave for Jolly Babies with Leo. To leave I had to go down stairs and put my shoes on, put Leo in the buggy, then go back up and get Ellis, put his shoes on and put him in the buggy. As I went to leave I could see that it was tipping down with rain! I put the rain cover on the buggy and ran all the way down the lane to the car.
On the way home Ellis had a sleep so when I got back, I fed Leo and waited for an hour to wake Ellis up.
I gave Ellis his lunch and then my Mum arrived so I got Leo ready, wearing his winter hat for the first time, and we left. I thought he looked so cute I had to post all 3 pictures.
I arrived just in time for the music class and it was really quiet. We had a lovely time and it seemed like 2 minutes had passed when Ellis and Nanny arrived for the next music class.
Again we had a great time and after a quick cuppa in Sainsbury's, followed by some shopping we were home again getting ready for dinner. Very tiring day.
Rob arrived home late but I kept Ellis up so that he could have his story with his Daddy.
Thursday was fireworks night. Uncle Dave took Ellis to the zoo to see some silent fireworks. They left at 3:20pm and I was very sad to see Ellis go. I knew he would have a great time but I missed him before he even left my sight. What am I going to be like when he goes to school!
Dave kindly took some videos of the fireworks and a tree that caught fire, along with pictures of Ellis having his first cheese and onion pasty and coming face to face with a lion. The pictures are blurry because the camera was on the wrong setting, but you get the idea.
Leo went to bed for a nap at 2:30pm and slept until 4:30pm and then proceeded to moan the rest of the time I had with just him. Even the door bouncer didn't work.
I started to cut up some vegetables to get it ready for steaming so that I could then puree it, cube it up and put it in the freezer ready for when I start weaning Leo in 3 weeks time. I can't believe how quickly that has come around. Leo wasn't happy though so I had to leave it.
Then Ellis arrived home and Dave helped me to bath and put the boys to bed which again is great as it makes it so much easier and stress free.
I then carried on with vegetables.
I wanted to do some blogging last night but it just became too late. Pureeing the food takes so long! I'm going to do it different from last time, little and often rather than huge batches all in one go. That way I'll have more variety in the freezer at one time, it wont fill up the freezer, I wont be throwing stuff out because it is out of date and I can stay more organised.
I had a wicked day today but I will write about that tomorrow as I want to shut my brain off for a bit before bed. Speaking of bed my husband went to bed at 7:06pm!
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