Rob ended up having a lie in on Saturday, even though he said I could but he didn't go to bed until 2am so no wonder he was tired. I had had a rough night with Leo but I actually felt okay so it didn't matter.
The boys had tickle time with Daddy and I tried to get a good picture. I took a few but these are my favourite.
We put them both down for a nap, then Rob and I sorted out the loft.
In the afternoon we went to view a few houses to rent as we are hoping to get a bigger place. The first house was nice but a bit old fashioned inside. The landlord was there watching the rugby and Ellis was so sweet going up to him and telling him that he was looking at houses, and that he had come from home, before saying, thank you man and leaving.
The next house we didn't even get to go in as the current tenant was not playing ball and would just not let us in. It was raining heavily and Leo was asleep in his car seat so I was quite pleased really.
The last house was a house we had viewed in 2004 with an interest in buying. It was strange being in there again and looked a bit different to what I had remembered. The owner of the house had a 2 week old baby and 2 other young children and she watched Ellis and Leo for us as the husband showed us around. The agent hadn't turned up and I was pleased about that as you can find out so much more by talking directly to the owner. I did like the house but I don't have the urge to move there. I'm hopefully going to view it again on Monday with my Mum and without Ellis which would make things a bit less hectic so I can actually remember what the house looks like.
Leo woke at 10pm again and I had gone to bed to try and get an early night so Rob had the first go at getting him back to sleep. He got rather upset so I took over after 20 minutes. I was determined not to feed him again as I knew he had had a really good feed before bed. So I made the hard decision to do controlled crying. He wasn't exactly screaming the house down but he wasn't happy. I would leave him for 5 minutes, then go in to see him and then leave again. It took just over an hour and by midnight he was sleeping again.
The next time he woke was 4:25am! He had a good feed then woke at 6:40am. I brought him in with us then and fed him again. He went back to sleep in our bed and we all got up at 8:15am.
Ellis and I spent some time in bed just chilling and messing around and then it was a mad rush to get ready and up to my Mum and Dad's.
Rob did some computer stuff and Ellis had a great time playing trains with Grandad. Leo had a nap and I helped Mum with some decorating stuff.
Mum said she wanted to get rid of some furniture in her bedroom. She was still using it but I said I could get rid of it on Freecycle for her. Basically you post a description of the item on a message board and people e-mail you back asking for it. Well it was all gone by 4pm! Mum was slightly surprised to say the least and I think Dad may have been a bit annoyed.
We shoved some lush lunch down our throats before the boys and I rushed home as a man was due to fix our fence, which had blown down, after 1pm.
The man never arrived and Rob was left up my parent's house until 6:20pm.
We spent the afternoon at home. Not really doing much. Ellis said he was tired and wanted to go to bed, so he did, and I read to Leo for a bit before putting him down for a nap too. I sorted the washing and started to do some more food for Leo when I had a call from Nic asking if I was in.
Wayne, Nic and Ella came over for a visit. I haven't seen them in ages so it was really nice to see Ella running around and playing with Ellis. She loved Leo too and I tried to get a picture of them kissing but I ended up doing a video instead.
They left and Rob arrived home, not feeling very well. He managed to help me to do the bath time with the boys and then had a bath before lying on the sofa not feeling good.
I did parsnip, potato and sweet potato for Leo and I didn't even sit down until 9:30pm.
It's so late now and I should have gone to bed ages ago! I feel okay though but I might not tomorrow.
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