This is Leo at 6 months, followed by Ellis at 6 months.
And this is the rest of the pictures I liked.
It was an early start for us as we had to get to Sophie's house by 10:30, can't tell you why yet but all will be revealed soon, and we made it which was a big shock.
We had fun but eventually every one turned up and it was hectic. Leo wanted to roll around but it just wasn't safe for him in the room I was sat in so I had to go in where the kids were playing so he could play too. I didn't mind, in fact Sophie and Sarah both came in to speak to me and I actually had a lovely conversation both times.
Sophie did a great job hosting. We all had toasted sandwiches and we were given a chart on which we could tick what fillings we wanted, cool way of doing it. We also picked names for the secret Santa but it didn't go too well as everyone kept picking out their own name, or so they say ;o)
I packed up and left first at just after 2:30pm. Leo really wanted/needed a sleep and so did Ellis so the timing was good. They were both asleep by the time I had left the house estate.
I had a very slow drive to my Mum's house and then sat outside with them for a while too. I reversed onto the drive eventually and the beeping of the reverse sensors woke Ellis up a bit too quickly and it took him a while to wake up properly. It was quite sweet as I got to have nice cuddles but it wasn't nice seeing him upset.
Leo woke up as soon as I brought him in and we then all played in the living room until dinner was served.
Ellis ate really well and Leo had a lovely bath on his own. It was all very calm, relaxed and enjoyable. Mum, the food was soooo amazing by the way, I don't think you could have cooked those fajitas any better! ;o)
I didn't do too well on the diet today but one day off in nearly 2 weeks isn't that bad and I really needed the sugar to get me through today. The sleepless nights have caught up on me. Plus I haven't slept too well the last couple of nights. I was scared one night and then last night there was a huge black spider on my headboard by my head!
My friend Sandra is coming down to visit us tomorrow and I can't wait! She is nearly 25 weeks pregnant with her first baby and this will be the first time I have seen her since she got the news, so exciting!
Leo is being weighed in the afternoon and then after Big Stars class we are coming home to give Leo some baby rice. I'm hoping to video it like we did with Ellis so watch this space.
Right I'm off to bed. It's really chilly but I can't have the heating on at night as it makes way too much noise and disturbs me too much. I might bring Leo in with me tonight to save me getting out in the cold later on. ;o)
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