The medicine kicked in and he chirped up enough to do another poo on the toilet! Yay! Then as a reward he got to watch Peppa Pig on T.V. This proved to be quite a good reward.
I felt he was up to going to a music class that had been pre-arranged so I packed the kiddies into the car and went.
It was really good fun and although Ellis wasn't himself, I think he still enjoyed it. I can't wait for the groups to start again. It will be harder work getting them out the house and stuff but more rewarding for Ellis.
Ellis didn't fancy any lunch but I did a plate full of snack type things for him to pick at and put it by the sofa. He didn't touch it.
I gave him some more medicine and put him down for his nap but I went up to check on him an hour later and he was laid there awake. I don't think he had slept at all.
I decided against going to Mummy afternoon as I didn't want to pass anything on to the gang and I didn't feel up to looking after him, whilst potty training in someone's house. It just seemed safer and easier to stay home.
Ellis did yet another poo on the toilet and was rewarded with more Peppa Pig. I actually quite like it myself but cannot get the bloody theme tune out of my head!
Ellis didn't want any dinner either so I just put a bowl of plain pasta by him while he played with the play dough. I watched him for a bit and was on the phone when I realised that his head was nodding and he was slowly falling asleep at the kitchen table. It was 5:20pm and I put him to bed.
Even though Ellis wasn't well, he didn't have an accident all day.
I spent some time with Leo which was great and then gave him a top to toe wash and put him to bed at 7pm.
Leo went down really well and I didn't think I would be hearing from him until a lot later on. Boy was I wrong! He woke at 7:40pm and I didn't get him to settle back down until 9:35pm. I was seriously unhappy as my darling hubby had ordered a Chinese for me and it arrived and got cold.
As if butter wouldn't melt!
I heated up my dinner but it wasn't as good as it would have been fresh.
I was drained from looking after a sick Ellis and then tending to Leo all night so I went to bed straight after I had eaten. I never like doing that as I like my food to settle first but I just couldn't keep my eyes open.
Ellis woke at 1:35am crying. I went in to see him and he seemed fine. Still hot but okay. I changed his pull-up which wasn't that wet, tucked him in and stood watching him for a bit before slowly walking out. As I shut the door I expected a scream but he was quiet.
Leo woke me at 6:35am for a feed and then I dozed on and off until Ellis was crying again at 7:30am.
He managed to eat some breakfast and drank loads of water. That made me worried as obviously it all had to come back out!
He didn't have a temperature but was complaining about needing a poo. I was feeding Leo when a small amount came out on the carpet. He immediately started crying but I calmed him down and sat him on his Thomas seat on the toilet. He was still crying and as I was hugging him, he did a huge splatter! The poor kid had diarrhea! Now I was really, really worried as how could I potty train a kid with squits!? I was determined though and switched to pull-ups and not nappies for the day.
I made Ellis laugh over the sound of his squits and that seemed to break the ice with the whole pooing thing. Obviously he had to go a lot during the day and with Peppa Pig as a reward, he spent most of the day going back and forth from the sofa to the toilet. I didn't mind as I think it really built up his confidence to use the toilet. It was actually a blessing in disguise.
He wore pull-ups all day and didn't have one accident, which considering the circumstances, that is amazing! I also showed him how to push the pants down so he could go to the potty himself without me helping him and he did this 3 times during the day.
Leo was 3 months old yesterday so I took some monthly pictures. I took a lot, and I mean a lot so here is just a few of my favourites.
Here are 3 pictures of Ellis at the same age.
To mark Leo's 3 month birthday, he decided to do a trick. I think it is a bit fluky as he hasn't done it since but I was one proud Mother none the less.
Here are some more videos of Leo having some tummy time.
While Ellis was having his nap, Mum and Chloe came over for a visit to give me a bit of moral support as I was struggling quite a bit with being stuck in with a couple of demanding babies. Mum kindly did my ironing and I popped out to the post office too. Cheers guys, it was great to see you.
Ellis napped from 11am ish until I woke him up at just gone 2pm. All the pooing had obviously taken it out of him.
The afternoon was spent pretty much like the morning, going back and forth from the toilet to the sofa to watch Peppa Pig.
My friend Vivien was due to come over late afternoon but she called to say she was unwell too so wouldn't be coming after all which was a shame.
Even though Ellis was unwell we had a really good day with potty training. He hardly used the potty and was very happy to go to poo on the toilet which is just what you want to happen. He also didn't have one accident in his pull-ups which was also encouraging. Making good progress.
I will be happy when I no longer have to write about Ellis' weeing and pooing habits.
In the evening, my best friend Lucy came over to baby sit so that Rob and I could go out for a meal and a chat. It was well overdue and we had a really good time. We relaxed, ate good food and generally enjoyed each others company. We talked about loads of different things and I love that we constantly talk about our travelling days. It's something only we share together that isn't all about our children. I love them to death but sometimes it's nice to have a break.
This morning I was feeling more upbeat. I had a lovely evening with Rob and although Leo woke me at 3:50am for about an hour I was feeling good.
The first thing Ellis said to me was wee on Thomas seat Mummy. And that he did. He had only done a little wee in his pull-ups too which was amazing.
After that he did a poo and then asked for Peppa Pig, which he got. While he watched this I got breakfast ready.
I decided that as yesterday was so successful with the pull-ups that I would be brave and put him in proper pants all day. They have George on them from Peppa Pig so I actually think that helps. I tell him not to wee or poo on George as that would make him unhappy. It worked. Not one accident all day and he can pull them down when he needs to go. He only used the potty twice and prefers to use the toilet.
During the day I could tell that Ellis was getting bored and would then say to me, "poo poo then Peppa Mummy". Basically I'm sure he was pushing some out so that he could watch some telly! Crafty kid.
I put him up for his nap and he stayed there for 2 hours, wide awake. No wee in his pull-ups though which was brilliant.
I then got the kids ready, put them in the car and went up to my Mum and Dad's house.
Ellis played really nicely and had fun drawing with Grandad. We had Chinese take-away for dinner which was much better then my heated up food on Tuesday. Then I bathed Leo and Mum did Ellis.
Today, was the first day ever, since Ellis was born, that he didn't have a sleep at some point during the day. I really do hope that it is a one off as I couldn't bare to think of having him up all day at the moment. We shall see tomorrow.
Ellis had clothes on today, pants and shorts and no accidents. I am so proud of him and although I know we aren't there yet, I am certain we have got over the worst of it. I might be wrong, but I hope not. The next challenge now is being out and about and seeing if he asks me to go to the toilet. We have a busy weekend planned where we will be out so that will be a test.
The last few days have been rough, tough and flipping hard work. Poor Leo has been pretty much abandoned so I have really tried hard today to make it up to him. I gave him long feeds, made sure I talked to him loads and played with him too. He is such a sweetie.
Sorry for the long entry with little to no pictures and videos but I don't have time to do everything!
Hard work love, but it's paying off. Well done you!!!! x x