We finally made it to our AB group at Sophie's house. We were a little late but hadn't missed lunch. Ellis went on the potty and then I set him up at the table to have some lunch before making myself a sandwich.
I had a lovely chat with the girlies as always and Ellis had a great time playing with his new friends and all the different toys. He asked a few times to go to the toilet and didn't have one accident. I actually felt quite relaxed about it even though it was pretty much my first time at someones house with him fully clothed. He did really well.
We left at about 3:45pm ish to meet up with Rob at Ikea. We bought Leo his cot and a couple of other bits that we picked up along the way. I did see a couple of rugs that I am hoping to go back and purchase soon.
While we were standing at the checkout Ellis said he needed to wee wee so we rushed off to the loo and he sat on his travel potty for the first time. He liked it but only did a dribble which was quite annoying as it was a lot of effort to get Leo out of the sling, sling off, bag off, potty out and set up, Ellis trousers and pants down, cleaned him up, put clothes back on, potty away, bag on, sling on, Leo in, strap on Ellis and back out to Rob. I was sweating!
I fed Leo in the car park and then once I had finished, Rob took the boys home and I took Rob's car to Mothercare to get a mattress.
At home we had dinner and then it was bath time. I had expressed a bottle of milk so that I could bath Ellis and Rob could sit and feed Leo. I think he enjoyed it and he certainly looked comfy. I enjoyed just being able to play with Ellis in the bath as we don't get to do that very much now.
On Saturday we wanted to get the boys rooms sorted and cleaned properly which takes a bit of time when trying to entertain Ellis, take him to the loo, feed and change Leo.
We all started off with having a good breakfast.
Then Rob put loads of stuff in the loft so I was able to do some cleaning and then once Ellis had finished his nap we got on with doing his room too.
That pretty much took up our whole day! The boys had fun pretending to be on a train which is well cute!
Bath time we did the opposite to Friday. I quickly bathed Leo and sat feeding him while Rob sorted out Ellis. It's total bliss to have someone else helping with the night routine.
Sunday we went up to my Mum and Dad's house as Rob had more computer stuff to do. I don't mind as I actually get a bit of a break and it's nice to look at some different walls for a change.
Ellis had a couple of wee accidents but I think this was due to drinking a lot of water quite quickly as Nanny gave it to him in a glass with a straw which was quite a novelty for him. He probably drank more water in 2 minutes then he does all day!
We left at just gone 12 and went home via Sainsbury's as I needed a few bits.
Leo is starting to become quite a mover now and I love watching him thrash about.
Ellis slept for ages and I eventually woke him up quite late in the afternoon. He had a very late lunch and I knew that he wouldn't be going to bed at his usual time.
I tried to get Ellis to go to the park but for some reason he just didn't want to go. I kept asking him and he just kept saying he wanted to play with the play dough! Very strange.
I put Leo down at the usual time and Ellis had a nice long bath and some play time before going to bed a bit later than normal. I'm not really sure what time it was.
I saw a couple of bats flying around the garden in the evening and I tried to get them on video but I don't think you will be able to see them on here. I've posted it anyway,
Monday was Rob's Mum's birthday and we were invited to their house for a barbeque at 3pm.
We spent the morning messing around and sorting a few more things.
Then Rob decided to go out and buy a new television as he was fed up of looking at our huge old thing. He brought it home and started to organise the living room to accommodate it and also to put our old telly in the car.
I managed to get the kids and myself ready around the chaos and we were soon on our way to the barbeque.
We had to go to Mothercare on the way to exchange the mattress (long story) but they didn't have any so I would have to go to the other store.
We arrived at about 3:30pm and had a lovely time. It was warm enough to sit in the garden and Ellis had fun running up and down trying to find lots of mischief. He also had fun with his pal Sabriel playing with her Peppa Pig figures.
Leo was a bit upset for some reason and I soon found out why when he was sucking at everything in sight! The poor kid was starving! Basically I had forgotten how long ago it was that I had fed him.
Leighton, Jaidan, Sabriel and Jasper were there too which was great as I got to chat baby stuff with Jai and the boys did boys stuff.
We left just after 6pm so that we could get home and put the boys to bed. Ellis was really tired and Leo was a bit moody so it didn't take them long to go to sleep.
Rob and I then really cracked on with sorting out the living room. We moved stuff around and cleaned everywhere which was great. I was buzzing and I love doing stuff like that. Not on my own mind you. I felt really organised and didn't complain about being up late.
This is the living room on the morning after.
Ellis' face was so funny when he walked into the living room. He sort of did a double take before looking around with his mouth open. Oh how I can't wait to see his face on Christmas morning! I hope I don't get disappointed.
Leo had some mat time and moved around tons.
While Leo was playing I took this sequence of pictures which I just love.
My Mum, who is the best by the way, came over around 11 to look after Ellis while I took the mattress back to Mothercare with Leo. It was so helpful as I can't imagine the work it would have involved getting the pair of them there, in a buggy, and in the store whilst trying to carry the mattress. The traffic was bad but I don't think I was gone too long and I was very happy to have Leo's bed sorted at last.
Mum was also doing my ironing when I arrived home and had put a load of washing on and hung a load out! What more could I ask for? Well I did get a cuppa too! Amazing.
Ellis saw Nanny for a few minutes and I showed Mum what I had done around the house. Due to doing the organising with Rob I woke up this morning wanting to sort stuff out. So I went through Ellis' clothes drawers and organised them, then I sorted out some of Rob's clothes and just generally found homes for things. I have been feeling quite upbeat and happy all day even though I am shattered!
Mum left and I gave Ellis his lunch. As you can tell I haven't mentioned how Ellis is doing with the toilet. That's because it has become pretty normal for him to just use the toilet and to ask to use it too. His nap times are dry and this morning if I had got up 2 minutes earlier, he would have had a dry night too. He seems to have it sussed and now we just need to reinforce what he has learnt and to keep on at him to remember that he needs to go to the loo and not do it in his pants. It's no where near as bad or as full on as it was. We have ventured out a bit but his groups start again this week so that should be a new challenge for us.
Nanny had to pop back as she had forgotten to take her book with her. It was tipping down with rain and we waited and waited for it to go off a bit but it just wouldn't so I made a run for it to her car and back. It was so cold and I got really wet quite quickly.
Then my Mummy friends arrived for Mummy afternoon. They all loved the newly arranged living room and I must admit it felt much better with the kids sort of playing around us and not in the middle of us if that makes sense. Unless you know what it was like, you can't really understand but lets just say it was better.
Everyone was gone by 5pm and I quickly tidied up. I tried to put Leo in his bed while I did this as he was a bit tired but he didn't like it so I had to bring him back downstairs. I will try tomorrow though to see if he will sleep in it. One problem I have is that he moves so much already I found he had turned 90 degrees and had his feet out the bars!
Ellis was good for his bath routine and Leo did his double feed and crying act again but he was asleep by 8:15pm. I then spent my time eating, drinking and blogging in my new corner of the room. I need to get a lamp to go behind the monitor though as it is very dark and strains my eyes.
I am not ashamed to admit that I have started writing Christmas lists for the boys and I will soon work on a list for who I am buying for. Best to get organised which is my motto for the week.
Thanks Mum for you recent comments on the blogs. I really enjoy getting them.
Even more shattered now so think I'm going straight to bed, but if I do that it means the morning will arrive sooner and I will have to start all over again! Maybe do something else for 10 minutes.
I can't believe it is September already, where has the year gone?
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