I then had the opportunity of waking Ellis up instead of him waking me. I loved it!
While Ellis was coming around, I put Leo in with him and stood chatting to my boys which was a great way to start the day.
After breakfast I decided it was cold so shut all the windows. There is a reason why I am telling you this.
Anyway, I thought Ellis and I should do something different this morning so we had a go at using his play dough set.
I then put Ellis down for his nap and was just sitting in front of the computer when there was a knock on the door. I knew it was my Mum and I was right. For some reason I just thought she would pop in today.
She did all my ironing in 30 minutes! I swear it would have taken me at least double that. It's ace! We had a nice natter before she zoomed off again. Always a busy lady.
Ellis napped for a while and I pottered and fed Leo.
Once awake we had lunch and then I had planned to go to the shops. Seeing as I thought it was cold out, I put Ellis in jeans, socks, t-shirt and jumper, I was wearing jeans, socks, and my jacket and Leo was in a vest, long sleeved t-shirt and fleece dungarees! You would have thought it was snowing out with the way I had dressed everyone.
Half way down my road I realised that I had made a mistake. I took Ellis' jumper off, wrapped my jacket around my waist and checked on Leo who actually seemed okay.
I rushed around like a lunatic and stopped in the park on the way back. The buggy was really, really heavy. I had bought all heavy items and picked up the new Argos catalogue.
Ellis had fun in the park and then I made him walk the majority of the long way home. He seemed to enjoy it but every now and then he would call me and run up to hold my hand which he normally hates doing. 2 is a funny age.
I made a proper meal for dinner and Ellis was a really good boy and ate it all up. Leo had a long feed and then was ready for bed but it was only 6pm.
I kept Leo occupied while Ellis stuck stickers on everything, and then we went up for bath time.
I didn't bath Leo as he just wasn't in the mood so I changed him and put him in his crib, where he promptly fell fast asleep!
Leo woke just after I finished my shower so I fed him and put him back down but he cried on and off for half an hour before eventually going to sleep.
I'm going to relax now and hopefully get an earlish night, about 10pm, and I can't wait to see my hubby tomorrow morning.
Another good blog, keep it up I love to hear all those good things you say about me!!!!! x x x