Ellis was wide awake and refused to go in his sleeping bag last night which I do think helps him to sleep longer.
I felt rather sick as I tried to rest on the sofa with Ellis trying to coax me into waking up and playing with him. I did manage it eventually and he also had to pester me to make breakfast. I think that is a first.
Rob was home first thing this morning but he didn't get in until late so I let him have a lie in before asking him to come and see Ellis before he had to go down for his nap.
Rob was really tired too but made a big effort to read and play trains with Ellis. He also had cuddles with Leo which was really nice to see.
I still wasn't feeling that great when Ellis was asleep so I let my active birthing Mummies know that I wouldn't be meeting them today. Rob tried to convince me to go but I just couldn't face getting ready etc.
I did change my mind though and I felt much better for making the decision to go. I rushed around to get everything and everyone ready. I put Leo in an outfit which was really cute but huge!
We made it to Sarah's house and we weren't too late. I had fed Ellis before I left as he never seems to eat when we have lunch at other people's houses.
They older boys all played really well together and Ellis and Maggie had a nice chat and shared cars and trains. They were really cute!
At one point, the older ones were in the garden and it was just the babies getting all the attention which made a nice change.
I sat Leo on the sofa and had a small photo session while I was chatting about all sorts of stuff that will remain a secret forever.
I took this shot of Leo's foot and I love it. I'm thinking of getting it blown up and framed. What do you think?
While I had my camera out, I tried to get shots of everyone but Sarah was feeding Amelie, Sophie and Maggie had already left and the older boys were in the garden. So the only picture I got was of Sophie with baby Gus.
We left just before 4pm, full up on cake and biscuits, to go to my Mum's for dinner.
It didn't take too long to get there and Ellis started playing with the train track straight away.
Chloe, Kamron and Auntie Katie were there for a bit which was nice to see them.
I sat and gave Leo a long feed and then he was out for the count as we all sat to the table for our food.
Mum had prepared a small feast and it was delicious. Ellis was rather good too and Grandad kindly cut out loads of olive stones so that Ellis could have some. He loves them so much.
Grandad left at 6pm to go and look after Chloe and Kamron, so Ellis read books with Nanny before we left to go home for bath time.
Ellis had clean bedding on so I gave him a really good scrub, dried his hair and put on clean pyjamas. Well actually he was wearing a white t-shirt and grey shorts as all his pyjamas are dirty but they will do the job.
Ellis went straight to sleep and after giving Leo a 30 minute feed, I had a shower and came downstairs to do the blog. I was going to have an early night but here it is, 10pm, and I am still on the computer!
Will hopefully get a better nights sleep tonight as Rob is away. I do miss him loads but not at bed time. I'm sure there are 100's of people out there who would agree that we weren't meant to share a bed with someone.
Night, night.
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