I thought it might be a nice idea to compare the boys pictures when they are the same age, so here are the pictures of Ellis at 8 weeks. Similar but different I think.
While I was messing around with the camera, Ellis wanted to have some pictures taken too. I think I took the funniest picture of Ellis ever! I love it!
I also took another half silly one and a nice smile one.
Some more macro pictures of Leo. I was just trying to pass the time before I had to go and do bath time.
I would say the hardest part of my day by far is from 5-7pm. I have to do dinner, feed both kiddies, clear up the kitchen and I try to do the living room before going upstairs to bath both babies, dress them, read a story, do another feed, try to have a shower before doing a top up feed and settling Leo down. There is obviously more to it than that and depending on the mood of the boys, varies the level of pain for that time period.
Mum popped over to do our ironing which was great as there was loads. I have tried on a couple of occasions to get the ironing board out myself but I always seem to get distracted with something else. Maybe I should stop blogging and do more ironing. The house needs a bloody good clean too.
Anyway, Ellis was being a little horror, probably a knock on effect from so little sleep on Sunday, so I decided to make him walk to the doctors for our health visitor appointment. As it happens Leo wanted to have a feed at the last minute so I ended up putting him in the buggy and running down the road instead.
The appointment went well and Leo now weighs 11lb 13oz.
I then let Ellis walk very slowly up towards Sally's house as that was where Mummy afternoon was going to be. I phoned Sally to ask if it was okay for us to show up a little early and she said it was fine.
We had a lovely afternoon and the cakes were yummy. The kids had the usual tantrums over toys and Ellis is still shoving everyone, and I am not sure what to do about it. I'm hoping he will grow out of it, but I do try to get him to say sorry and if I can, stop it before he does it in the first place. He seems to have a slight problem with people being in his personal space, and that includes me. He isn't a very cuddly boy for sure.
We only got a little bit wet going home and Ellis ate his dinner so I rewarded him with an episode of Thomas.
Bath time was hard work as always and story time didn't go as planned but I soon had Ellis zipped up in his sleeping bag, which he wasn't happy about. He has not been in a bag for weeks now but I wanted to see if it would help him to sleep longer.
The sleeping bag worked a little bit and Ellis didn't wake up until 6:30am today so that helped me a lot.
Ellis sat and ate his breakfast and I captured a nice picture of Leo's eye.
I'm not sure what is up with Ellis at the moment but he is just a bit, off. He cries when I put him down for a nap but then sleeps for 2 and a bit hours, sometimes he scoffs his food and then other times he eats nothing, one day he is an Angel the next a Devil and so on. I think I have to put it down to lack of the right stimulation seeing as his groups have all finished for the summer. He tends to be like this around half term so I think it must be that, as well as his age and that it is just what toddlers do. I am finding it very hard to be patient with him though, especially when he is pushing and hitting others.
With all the above in mind, I gave him loads of extra attention today. I sat and played bricks, read books, did some singing, dancing, rough and tumble etc. and he loved it. He was really good all morning and even after his nap.
Once Ellis had finished his lunch we zoomed off out to NEXT to take back Rob's t-shirt we bought for his birthday which didn't fit. It cost £20 and I spent £21 in the sale! Doh! Didn't save us money today honey, sorry.
All the purchases were for Leo and none of it will fit him until the winter or his next birthday. I bought 6 t-shirts and a winter coat.
When we returned, Naomi and Iestyn had arrived as they were going to watch Ellis for me while I took Leo to the doctors for his 8 week check and first set of jabs.
I got myself ready and we left.
The jabs were horrible. Poor Leo was happily chewing on his hand when the first one went in. Then the second one really took him by surprise and he did that stop breathing kind of crying. I had forgotten how horrid it was, but we soon recovered and arrived home an hour after we left.
Naomi had said that Ellis had been good but he promptly pushed Iestyn as I arrived. Maybe it's me! So, I put him on the naughty step, he then said sorry, gave him a hug then proceeded to do it again 5 minutes later!
Thank you Naomi and Iestyn for taking care of Ellis for me. He tried to get me to play motorbikes in the garden but I had no idea what I was supposed to do!
They didn't stay long after that and I soon got around to giving Ellis his dinner.
Ellis was reasonably good at bath time and Leo was a bit sulky from his sore legs but by 7:45pm, I was downstairs on the computer, eating cake drinking tea.
Just for fun, I have done a poll question of guessing who is in the picture. I have a few lined up so please place your vote and I will change the picture in a week.
I am hoping for a better day tomorrow and it will be nice to have Rob around for a bit in the morning to share some of the work load.
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