We arrived just after 10:15am and we were told that we would have to have waiting tickets to come back at 10:45am. There were loads of families all doing the same thing.
I waited in the cafe while Rob and Ellis went out to the little park.
Leo paying tribute to the late Michael Jackson.
We finally got in the pool and Leo loved it! He was bobbing about with a smile on his face, it was so cute! Rob and I dunked both the boys, although Rob had more trouble than me as he forgot it was the shallow end, so when he went to dunk Ellis the water only came up to his shoulders, he had to tip him backwards instead and all the water went up his nose.
I got out early with Leo and he went purple rather quickly. It was a mad rush to get dressed so that I could feed him to warm him up. I wont be able to go swimming on my own for a bit yet.
Rob and Ellis got out shortly after and we then went straight home for some lunch.
Ellis had a nice nap and Rob and I just relaxed for a bit.
For Iestyn's birthday party, Ellis wanted to wear his new lion t-shirt even though it was too big. He loved it. I would have preferred for him to have worn a party shirt. Toddlers with their independence!
We arrived just after 3pm for the party and I fed Leo straight away, hoping he could be passed around for lots of cuddles and I could spend my time eating and watching Ellis. It didn't turn out that way and I had to sit and feed him a couple of times. I even missed the cake and song, hence not very many pictures or videos of the party. These photos I took from my seat in the living room as people were passing through.
Rob and Leo watched the tennis together, although Leo obviously got bored.
We were home for Ellis' bath time and last night there was a new addition to the bath routine, Leo. I did do a video but I wont be posting it.
I put Leo in his bed for a bit while I made the other beds and he actually paid attention to his mobile for the first time.
Rob again gave Leo a bottle while I had a shower.
The boys were both finally in bed and Leo was settled by 9:30pm which was better than the night before.
This morning we were all up a little bit earlier than normal. Leo was still feeding when Ellis started shouting for me but it didn't take long to get downstairs for breakfast.
We went to the penultimate Sing and Sign class first thing and we actually arrived early for a change. We took our seat and Ellis played while I chatted to Jayne the teacher.
The class was really good and Ellis was amazing. He sat still and sang along doing the signs too. I was very proud.
As soon as we arrived home, I put Ellis up for his nap, with a new addition, a pillow. I don't know why but I just decided to give him one. He liked the novelty but it wore off quite quickly and he was soon down the other end of the bed. It is hard to see the pillow in the picture, but it is there.
Ellis had a long nap and Leo and I just chilled. I had a quick chat to my Mum too which was nice.
Lunch was quite a relaxed affair too. Leo was quite happy and I managed to eat my food while it was still hot. Ellis was really good too and I was feeling rather calm.
After lunch I was just trying to work out what to do with my time, when my Mum arrived with an impromptu visit. How very nice!
She spent her time reading Thomas stories to Ellis and having cuddles with Leo. It was really nice to have some adult company and someone to entertain Ellis for a bit, even though he hadn't put a foot wrong all day.
Mum left at 4pm and I did a spot of cooking, with Ellis' help of course before we sat down and had our dinner. Again Ellis was really good, ate well and drank out of his big boy cup for the first time. It's basically a normal cup, plastic, with a handle, covered in pictures of trucks etc. I was half expecting him to throw all the water on his plate but he didn't.
Ellis was 23 months old yesterday so I tried very hard to get some good pictures of him. It was really difficult for some reason and I wasn't pleased with the results. I gave up in the end.
We or should I say I, tidied up the living room and then went upstairs for bath time. Leo was sound asleep when I first started the bath but later woke up so I dipped him in and out too.
We did story time and I fed Leo, before putting Ellis into bed. I then continued to feed Leo for a bit until no more milk would fit! I put him in his crib while I showered then sat with him while he eventually went to sleep. It took less time again tonight, so I'm hoping I'm on a roll. I might soon have an evening to myself, but I wont hold my breathe.
There have been quite a few "firsts" recently and I just wanted to make note of them:
Swimming as family of 4
Pillow for Ellis
Ellis using normal cup
Leo in the big bath
Leo having a bottle
Ellis 23 months
Leo looking at his mobile
Leo fell asleep on changing mat
Silly ones I know but I like it.
Right, I'm off to bed, on my own as Rob is working away.
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