Friday, 12 June 2020

Day 86 - Gatorland

So when I said I wanted to get up earlier I didn't expect to wake up at 5:15am.  I managed to doze on and off and eventually got up at 6:30am.  Leo was already downstairs watching TikToc and chilling on the sofa.  I told him I was going for a longer run today and that I might be late back so could he please make a start with getting ready for school.

Long run went well, did 7 miles, although it was harder than when I did it last Saturday and I haven't checked my time and as you can probably guess, Leo hadn't moved.

I wasn't too late back anyway so the morning still went smoothly and he was at school early!  I spoke to Mum and Dad on my way home and after sorting the other two out, went for a shower.

School work for Ellis is going to be hard for a while and he's going to need to do some on the weekends to try and get caught up.  His report is due out this week so not expecting that to be glowing.  Oscar finished really early and I'm going to need to pad his day out with things as he can't spend it sitting in front of the TV, unless I join him 😉


Obviously after such a late finish we weren't going to be getting up and out early.  The boys went in the pool, me Mum and Dad went to do a food shop and then we decided to go to Gatorland for the afternoon.  

We looked around, watched some shows, Rob, Dad and the boys did a high wire assault course thing which they really enjoyed.  I do have video of it somewhere but can't find it.  Very strange.  Oh and of course it rained.

The boys spotted a McDonalds so that was one less job to do when we got back.

McDonalds has opened again here and no one seems that bothered about getting one.  Leo asked a couple of days ago but nothing since.  I suspect we'll be getting one soon.

Oscar has been very tearful today, not sure why.  He cried about eating sandwiches, cried on the trampoline with Ellis, cried because I asked him what he wanted to do with the afternoon.  He wasn't interested in playing any board games with me etc and I was happy to sit and chill with him for a bit.  He did clean his room though so that's a Brucie Bonus!

I don't want to do any more blogging today so going to leave it there.  I'm tired, drained, zonked, had enough, fed up etc and just need a bit of chill time.  So that's what I'm going to go and do.  BBS x

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