Saturday, 27 June 2020

Day 101 - Bucket List

101 days and the fact that I like lists made me think about doing a bucket list. 101 things to do before you die kind of thing. Sounds a bit morbid but actually you could look at it as wanting to do things that mean you are living more fully! Think that makes sense.  So I'm going to start by doing one on here and just add to it each day.  Actually I think I would need to add more than one a day so that I can get the list done and start working on it sooner, rather than later.

Where to start?  Is there any point with travel right now?  Probably not.  Maybe career?  I could study for something or look into ideas of things I'd like to have a go at.  Maybe just keep it simple for now and add harder things to achieve later for if and when lockdown eases a bit more.  I also think it will be okay to add things that I've already done, then I can do them again but with the kids in tow.

I had a busy morning going for a long run which was so lush in the rain, picking up a food shop once I'd finally found the place to collect it from, doing some chores, lunch and then sitting with Ellis doing yet more school work.  I actually enjoyed it.  We were doing a magazine spread about The Great Exhibition and I learnt loads about Crystal Palace, Prince Albert, Queen Victoria and about several of the artefacts in the exhibits.  His Spanish lesson wasn't as interesting though and I left him to get on with that.

The other two spent their day in and out of the pool, naked of course, and gaming.  Rob got up at lunch time, ate some food and then went back to bed for a few hours.  He got up for some dinner and then wanted to go back to bed but we ended up sorting the study out a little bit and he did a few jobs off of his list that he has, except his is in his head and mine are on lots of different bits of paper. 

I decided to bake some fairy cakes in the evening and made double the amount of ingredients as I knew I was going to nail it all.  I've had a crappy eating day today and it just makes you feel yuck.  Will keep it to just today though and will be sensible again tomorrow.  Not going to set my alarm and will wait and see how I feel in the morning.  No plans for tomorrow.  It's really frustrating having to be teacher on the weekend as well as all week.  Will hopefully get out tomorrow and see my Saskia for a cuppa.

Highlights from today were the lovely rain, a great run, eating cake mixture, helping Ellis with school work, learning something new and watching the boys have fun in the pool.

Right then bucket list time.
  1. Go vegetarian for a month
  2. Help someone change their life for the better
  3. Learn something new everyday
  4. Learn to meditate and practice 10 minutes regularly
  5. Get over my fear of flying
  6. Ride a horse again
  7. Read more books and different types of book
  8. See the Northern Lights
  9. Go on Safari
  10. Plant a tree
There are so many to choose from and I suspect my list will be longer than 101 but that will do for now 😁

Going to go to sleep listening to the rain now.  Love it 🌧🌧🌧💙


  1. I like your bucket list idea...and you have some great ideas on there already 😀😍


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