I got Leo ready for school and then sent him on his way at 8:30am. He's been walking to school by himself the last 2 mornings. I'm just trying to get him to do a few little things independently and hopefully build his confidence a little bit.
I was already organised for the day ahead as I knew that I wouldn't have much time in the morning as needed to go and take Rob's mum to the doctors. After JW workout I got Oscar started with his school work and made sure Ellis was up and logged in too.
I left the boys about half 10 with strict instructions about not eating, only answer the phone if it comes up with the name on the screen and to not answer the door. They also know the drill if there is a fire.
Got to MIL and loaded her scooter into the boot, that thing is heavy but luckily with all this exercise I've been doing I was able to lift it okay, much to FIL's surprise. On closing the boot the heavens opened so I quickly jumped back into the car and waited for it to pass. We had time before our appointment. I always get there a bit early as it can sometimes take a while for MIL to get down the steps to the car.
By now I had my mask on and I helped MIL into the car. It was very strange linking arms with her as no one other than Rob and the boys has touched me since lockdown!
We got to the surgery on time and everything was set out differently. There were screens everywhere and everyone was wearing masks. We waited for a bit and then were called in. MIL rams nearly every chair and door frame with her scooter so it can take a while to get to the room.
The appointment went well although MIL had a bit of a funny turn and felt hot and sick so we opened the windows, got her a drink and a sick bowl. I tried to distract her and make her laugh which seemed to work and we were soon on our way. Next stop the hospital.
We'd been referred to the hospital to get an x-ray, purely investigative. I'd never been to the hospital before so didn't really know where I was going but we found the right department and I was swiftly sent back out again, leaving MIL to fend for herself. She had to wear a mask too and I realised quite quickly how much she must lip read as she suddenly became very deaf. 😃👂
While I waited I messed around with Snapchat, Whatsapped a few friends, spoke to FIL to tell him where we were and just listened to the silence. It was very eery.
I'd been wearing my mask now for about 2 hours and it was becoming uncomfortable. It's hot and sweaty and it itches and annoys your face. I don't know how the lovely NHS staff do it for the length of time they do. Plus I hate breathing in breath. 😁. Would you believe it, there was an actual Snapchat filter today for if you were wearing a mask, perfect timing! 😉😷
I obviously checked in on the boys a few times and they were loving it. I wasn't there nagging at them to get their school work done.
Because I had said to the boys they aren't allowed to eat when I'm not there, I knew they would be starving so after dropping MIL home I stopped in McDonalds to grab them a meal each which they were both extremely grateful and excited for. I didn't get a picture as by the time I had finished decontaminating myself by having a shower, it was all gone!
Leo has been trying to learn how to do a back flip from the ground rather than just on the trampoline but he really wanted an exercise mat to land on. Well it just so happened that the school gave away all their old mats and I managed to get one! I knew I would need help getting it home though so dragged Ellis and Oscar with me to pick it up.
Once home and I finally managed to sit down with a cuppa I was zonked and feeling very cold. Even having a shower didn't warm me up and I didn't do much for an hour which was nice.
Rob came home and I cooked him a mini roast and after a shower he promptly went to bed and I didn't see him again all evening. He's working way too much and staying up way too late. He has been in the office 2 days in a row now and I think he said something about being in possibly 4 days this week. Don't think he's used to it. Can't imagine what the kids will be like come September! Going to take them ages to get back into a routine.
Just in case you don't know what I look like anymore since I only post pictures of me with a filter on, here is one with no filter, including bags and wrinkles. 😊
Bucket list adding will have to wait until tomorrow now as I'm too tired to think about it.
Highlights from today are getting MIL to docs, hospital and home with no major problems, the boys being good when I was out and even completed some school work, McDonalds and Oscar made Leo a lovely den for when he got home from school. He worked really hard on it and put thought into what Leo would like. It was very sweet.
Bed is calling me but I don't want to sleep as planning 7 mile run in the morning and I'm not ready for it. Totally doesn't make sense that I would then stay up really late making myself even more tired. I'm mental, I know. 😃