Wednesday was quite hectic. I dropped Ellis off at school, put a card into Sophie's house then shot up the big big shops to try and get my Christmas shopping finished.
Leo was good in the buggy and I just wandered around aimlessly trying to think what I was there for. I managed to get a few bits and I'm now 99% done.
Leo had a little nap too which allowed me to take a little more time.
He still isn't right. He is loosing weight, takes long naps (when in his bed) and is quite moany and clingy. I hope he feels better soon. Poor little beebs, he tends to suffer quite a lot.
I grabbed a crafty McDonald's on the way home and fed Leo when I got back.
I then picked Ellis up from school and decided to go to Sainsbury's to waste a little bit of the afternoon. I ended up wasting loads of time and fuel as after parking up I realised that I didn't have my wallet with me! I went straight back home, got Ellis out of the car as he was falling asleep and then immediately went back to Sainsbury's. I put Ellis back in the car obviously.
Thursday was Ellis' Christmas party at his pre-school. Mum came over nice and early and we got to the hall early to help set up. When we arrived though everything seemed pretty much done and we spent most of our time trying to stop the kids making too much mess.
The party was brilliant. I really enjoyed it but it was too hot. There were lots of people there which was great news as we were fund raising for the school.
To start with they did a nativity play. It wasn't really a play, they just stood there in costumes and Jenny read the story. I can't post all of my photos as there are other children in them and I'm not allowed to.
They did some singing after and Ellis wouldn't sit in a circle with the others, instead he sat with his back to us in the middle of the circle. I took some little videos of them all singing but I can't post them unfortunately. :o(
We then mooched about looking at the stalls, playing a few games and doing some craft stuff. Ellis decorated a tree decoration and a biscuit.
Father Christmas came for a visit too. The kids were all really good, no one cried and they all sat nicely in a circle waiting their turn to receive a small present. Leo was supposed to receive one too but he was having a nap.
It was then time to settle down for some food. Ellis saved a seat for his hero Matthew and they sat nibbling away with an occasional dinosaur roar.
We stayed behind to help clear away. Putting chairs back, cleaning up the dishes, eating the rest of the cakes, putting the toys away, etc. etc. Ellis had had such an exciting morning and he was still running around as Nanny tried very hard to put his coat on. He wasn't a happy bunny about leaving.
Thank you Mum for helping me out that day. xxx
We then took a very slow drive to Ellis' swimming lesson as we were a bit early. I think Ellis was still on a high as when we pulled into the car park, he was still awake! I couldn't believe it. Nanny and Ellis did do lots of lovely singing though.
The lesson went really well. It was half lesson, half messing around. The 30 minutes goes by so fast though.
After dropping Nanny off at our house to pick up her car we then followed her home as on Thursday we go to her house for dinner.
We got there quite early and Ellis was sound asleep in the car. Ellis stayed asleep on the sofa while I played games with Leo.
Mum had accidentally left her book and glasses at our house so later in the evening, after I had put the boys to bed, Mum and Dad popped over to pick them up. They didn't come in though.
Today I was feeling very drained. Yesterday was very hectic, hot, physical work and like Mum kept trying to remind me, I am pregnant! I probably over did it a little bit.
Ellis' clock isn't really working any more. I mean it works mechanically but Ellis keeps getting up in the night and trying to come in with me. It isn't helped by the fact that Leo is unwell and wakes early and comes in with me so there is a lot of disturbed sleep going on at the moment. I'm trying not to stress about it and I'm just hoping it's a phase that will pass.
We walked to school this morning and it was freezing! Ellis was really wrapped up but by the time we got there he was complaining about being cold. He is never cold so I knew it must be bad. Luckily they opened the doors just as we arrived.
Leo went down for his nap and I tidied Ellis' room, put the clothes away, sorted the kitchen, did some e-mails, and just generally pottered.
Once Leo was awake and he had eaten, we played with the singing mouse. He actually does the signs for some of the words during the song but he didn't do them all while under pressure of being filmed. Plus now he knows how to start and turn off the music I can hardly get him to listen to the whole song. Very cute I think though.
Rob was home in the evening with our new car! Yes we have a new car at last and I will post some pictures of it tomorrow, if it isn't covered in snow that is. I finally got to sit it in but I have yet to drive it. More on that soon.
Tomorrow we have our 4D scan. I'm a bit nervous and a bit excited. Not sure which one I feel more though. I still haven't decided if I'm posting the pictures or not yet. I suppose we will just have to wait and see how it turns out etc.
Tonight Rob heard the heart beat and felt him move which was really nice.
I can't believe how quickly the last couple of months have gone. December is just vanishing and before I know it I will be packing my hospital bag. Then not long after Ellis will be going to big school :o(
Hope the weather isn't too bad tomorrow so that we don't miss our appointment. There are such conflicting reports on where and how much it is going to snow.
Right then, it hasn't quite been a week this time and I will hopefully do a post tomorrow night.
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