I've had a head cold for last few days and Leo has been rough too, keeping me up at night so I've been pretty tired and fed up so not wanting to do any blogging. The days just tick by and before I know it I'm a week behind already!
So the Monday after our weekend away was just spent at home all day as I said it would be. I took some pictures of Ellis but that was about it for the day.
Tuesday morning after Leo's nap we went to Sophie's house to see Maggie, Ted, Sarah and Amelie. It was hectic but nice. I had a good natter with the girls and the kids played quite well together.
Nicola posted these very cute pictures of her baby Harry during the week and I just had to put them on here.
Then in the afternoon we went to Charlotte, Faith and Honour's house Mummy afternoon and it was just us.
We stayed for dinner and the little ones made their own which was cute. Thanks Charlotte for cool idea.
Ellis started to play up so we made a pretty sharp exit.
Friday night I went to a charity line dance that was arranged by my Dad and his friend John. They do everything, the sound system, tickets, raffle etc etc and I had a really good time. I did a few dances and it was amazing at how quickly they came back to me. My pelvis held out too which was good news.
It was great to see my old line dancing buddies and a lot of people didn't know that I was pregnant again so I had lots to chat about. It was also strange to see how much some people had changed and how much some people had just stayed the same. 90 year old Irene is still going, bless her.
I can't wait for the next one now which I think will be in the summer and hopefully I can drag a few mates along for a laugh.
Saturday was pretty uneventful as Leo was unwell so we stayed in taking care of him. In the evening we were going out with Lucy and Craig for a meal on our "date night". Uncle Dave came over to sit for the boys. He was sat with Leo as I was getting ready to go out when I heard Rob yelling up the stairs that Leo had been sick. He had been really sick, all over Uncle Dave and the sofa.
We put Leo in the bath, I cleared up Uncle Dave and got him some clothes and put the washing on, cleaned up the sofa and eventually sorted out Leo ready for bed. He sipped on some water and then went to sleep. I felt a bit bad about going out but we were literally going to be down the road and Uncle Dave was happy to call us back if needed.
The evening was great. We met up with Lucy and Craig, had a drink and then our meal. The food was really quite good and I was very surprised as I've had some rubbish meals in this pub before. It was a bit chilly but I had a lovely chat with my best buddy and it was soon getting late.
Sunday was mostly spent in doors again. Leo was still unwell, not sick but just crying and groggy with a temperature. Rob really wanted to crack on with doing his tax return so I agreed to take the boys out so he could have some peace. I don't think Leo should have gone really but he was okay snuggled up in the buggy.
I went to the big big shops to grab a few Christmas presents. I still have so much to get, just need a time I can go without the boys.
We got home quite late, so it was just a case of feed the boys, bath them and put them to bed.
Monday Leo still wasn't right so after dropping Ellis off at school I just chilled out at home with him. I even cancelled my physio appointment.
Mum ever so kindly came over in the afternoon to sit with Leo while I went and did the food shopping and picked Ellis up from school. He didn't have a good day and I was told they had nothing positive to report back to me! He couldn't have been that bad surely!
I was 25 weeks pregnant on Monday and I'm certainly showing!
I made my first Nugget purchases up the big big shops. I bought a do do, the same as Leo's but a different colour and a lovely outfit from John Lewis. I love it but it did cost a small fortune.
Yesterday we did nothing but stay in. Well, we did go to the post office but that took 10 minutes. It took 30 minutes just to get ready and out of the door though! With 3 I'm going to have to leave plenty of time to get them ready and out. But I will also need to be quite strategic about it too so that I'm not constantly redressing the little buggers!
In the evening I went to a pre-school committee meeting. It started at 8 and I didn't finish until 10:30pm. I came home, did some ironing, showered and went to bed. Speak to hubby? Not really. Quick chat before I was sleeping. He is now away until Saturday afternoon when he will be home with a sore head from a night out on the town.
The 1st of December! Hurrah! I love Christmas time, I just wish I was a bit more organised and that tree could put itself up. That is such a big job to do and I know this year I'm just going to be stressing out about Leo destroying the thing. He might be fine and Ellis might be the problem! Not sure where to put it yet. This year we can finally put up the wreath on the door that we bought a few years ago now. I love it!
So this morning we got to open our advent calendars as soon as breakfast had been consumed.
After that the boys wrote to Santa. They decorated the letter and envelope too. It was great fun and Leo was actually really good at using the crayon. Need to give him some more practice I think.
Leo was 18 months old a few days back but because he hadn't been well I hadn't taken his monthly pictures, so here are just a few I grabbed today while he was running around.
It's going to be another very cold day tomorrow and we do have to go out for Ellis' swimming lesson. The man is coming to look at the boiler too as the drain pipe keeps freezing over and making the boiler switch off, not good in this weather.
Right off to do pregnancy blog in bed.
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