We did the usual routine of toilet, bath, toilet, dressed, story, bed. The only difference being on that night was that he drank some bath water. It didn't really occur to me at the time but when Rob went in to get Ellis on Sunday morning and he was saying "I've weed in my pants a moment" I realised that I had some cleaning up to do.
Rob showered Ellis and I stripped the bed and put the washing on. I then went back to bed and Rob had the boys for the first part of the morning shift.
Basically on the weekends, unless we are doing something, we take it in turns to have a lie in. This weekend was slightly different in that I got up early on Saturday morning but Rob took over by 9am, so technically he didn't have as much of a lie in as normal. So Sunday morning was supposed to be my lie in day but I swapped with him by 9:30am so he could go back to bed. The lie in system works quite well, although I wasn't very pleased on Mothers Day when after being up for only 2 hours with the boys, Rob asked to swap with me at 9:30am. Bit cheeky, but I'm sure he thought he had earned it by doing breakfast in bed, with cards and flowers for me.
Anyway, Rob wanted to get on with some work on Sunday so I had agreed to take the boys off out so that he wouldn't be disturbed. My original intention was take them back up the field as Ellis hadn't stopped talking about it, but instead my Mum phoned me and bullied me (in a good way) into meeting up with them for a walk.
I had an hour to get ready and Rob was still in bed. It was tough going, especially as Ellis didn't get to the toilet on time while I was feeding Leo, so he did a wee all over the floor! I had to clear that up, sort a packed lunch, get all 3 of us dressed, get the changing bag ready with a change of clothes and shoes and load it all up in the car and go.
We made it to the meeting point and set off with everyone. Everyone being Uncle Craig, Auntie Karen, Cousin Charley, Alex, Cousins Chloe and Kamron, Nanny and Grandad and the dogs Vinnie and Tyler.
We walked up through a church, past a field of horses, through a farm where I used to go riding as a little girl and stopped by a duck pond for a few pictures.
Enjoying the sun
We then crossed a bridge, a field, and up into some woods. Lots of walking in mud, water and through trees. Ellis seemed to spend most of the time with Uncle Craig, exploring and just generally having a little adventure. Dad had Leo so I was free to have a lovely walk.
We then walked back the way we had came, stopping by the duck pond once more.
Back at the starting point we all sat down for a well earned drink and I fed the boys their packed lunch. Most of it ended up on the floor but they scoffed what was left.
The pub wasn't serving food as it was too busy so we all got in the cars and went to another pub near by. Mum wanted to come in the car with me but her boots were muddy, so I made her wear some bags over them. Deja vu for Charlotte ;o)
I knew the boys would fall asleep in the car journey so I bundled them up into the buggy and parked them up for a good snooze.
The food was yummy and mine was barely seen by anyone as I stuffed it into my face at 100 miles an hour. I think I'm pretty used to eating fast now as you generally don't get much time with two little boys to sit and have a relaxing meal.
There was a little park at the pub so when Ellis woke up he went for a play and I fed Leo before we bundled back in the car and started to head home.
It wasn't that late and I knew Rob would still be working so instead of going home I went back the pub where we started our walk and had another drink with my Mum, Dad and sister Kate.
Ellis really wanted to go up the field so after the pub we stopped off there too. Ellis had fun in the car, Leo was carried around with me, we saw the cats, chickens and horses and we watched Auntie Katie ride her horse Boy.
I was feeling very tired by the time we had to leave. I knew I still had to get home feed the boys then bath them and put them to bed. I tried my very best to just not think about it and to just do it, which I think I did rather well.
Phew, what a long day! As you can tell my finger is feeling better and I'm able to type more. I have a physio appointment on Thursday so hopefully they will say I can take the splint off now and just use it as normal.
Leo is coming along really well with his walking. He doesn't seem to be in too much of a hurry to master the skill but is up to 2 steps now. Yay Leo!
Today Ellis had school. On the way there he was crying saying he didn't want to go, wanted to go home and that school wasn't any good for him. When we arrived and he saw Ethan he was off! He didn't say goodbye and was quite happy to put his coat in the box.
At home I fed Leo then started loads of veggies cooking for cubing and freezing for Leo. He can't have it pureed any more so I have to use a potato masher and it isn't going very well. It's hard going. I did carrot, parsnip, leek, potato, butternut squash and sweet potato. Still have plenty more to do and I would like to do a couple of dishes too. If only I had the time and energy.
The boys slept for a couple of hours in the afternoon and I continued my cooking and clearing up after.
Then it was play time followed by dinner and bed again!
I'm done. I'm off to bed. I just hope they sleep through as both of them woke up last night, Leo twice!
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