Here are the pictures from today.
This is Ellis at 10 months.
Today though marks the end of breast feeding for me. I have decided after a week of having my nipples bitten off, that it is enough. He isn't interested any more really and just fusses about. I've had enough of it. I'm sad about it as my target was 1 year like for Ellis. I'm happy that I've made the right decision though.
Leo is doing really well and has started to take his first few steps. He needs lots of practice but give it 2 weeks and I think he will be flying around. More money to be spent on shoes!
Leo is eating chunkier food now and doesn't seem to struggle too much. He does eat quite well although he isn't taking much milk at the moment. I need to refer to my weaning bible to see if I'm doing things okay or not.
He is still in size 4 nappies and will be for a while. His vest size is still 6-9 months and he is in some clothes sized 9-12 months. He is so much smaller than Ellis was.
For the last month or so the boys have been sleeping really well. Obviously there is the occasional night that they wake up or start the day at stupid o'clock, but generally they are in bed by 7pm and wake at 6:20am. That is very precise I know but that does seem to be the general time. Depending on how happy they are in their beds, I can sometimes leave them until nearly 7am.
Ellis is growing up fast. Some of the things he comes out with are hilarious! Unfortunately taking the pull ups off at night wasn't successful. He stayed dry for a few nights and had an accident. Then on Tuesday night he was crying and I didn't think anything of it but when I checked him at 12:40am he was soaked in pee! Not nice, poor thing. I cleaned him up and put him in my bed before I put the bedding in the washing machine. I then started putting him back in pull ups and he has been dry ever since. In fact this morning he called out at 6:03am to be exact, to say he needed the toilet. I'm not in any rush and I could do without the extra work.
Today we had a lovely visit from Sophie and her 2 babies Maggie and Ted. Ted is 2 months younger than Leo and Maggie is about 5 months younger than Ellis, so pretty close. I only managed to get pictures of Leo and Ted though. They are so cute together!
On Tuesday we had Mummy afternoon here and I got a few pictures of Ellis with his buddies. He had just got up from bed.
Tuesday is always a busy day. The boys are in and out of their car seats, and that is a lot of physical work for me. Leo is in and out of his seat usually 12 times if we have Mummy afternoon at our house. If it is somewhere else you can add another 4 times to that!
Thursday afternoon Dad came over to sit with the boys so that I could go to the hospital to get my finger checked. It still hasn't healed properly so I need to wear the splint for a bit longer. I have to continue the exercises and basically wait until 12 weeks have passed before I can use it as normal.
Got a busy weekend ahead with 2 parties! Need to get my camera batteries charged up.
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