Monday was Ellis' first time at pre-school. I was mega organised and was ready to go early so had to waste a bit of time before setting off.
We arrived early and I put Leo in the buggy as I thought I would be quite a while sorting things out.
We were eventually let in and I put his coat in the box and hung his bag up on the right hook. You then have to sign them in to the main room, which I did and he took off! I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. He didn't mind though, and I wasn't that fussed either as I would have asked to see him otherwise.
So that was it. I left and went to the shops with Leo. We had a nice time too and it was great just being the 2 of us. I spent some money and just constantly clock watched before getting back to pre-school, early, to pick him up again. The time flew by.
He was pleased to see me and tried to run up to me but they had to hold him back as I hadn't signed him out yet. I met his key worker, Lisa, who seemed really nice and she gave me the pictures he had done that day. 3 pictures in 2 1/2 hours! I was then spoken to by another lady who works there who said that Ellis seemed fine being left but had hit someone on the head. Great.
He said he had a good time and it certainly looked like it as he was covered in paint, sparkles, glue, mud, dust and water. I didn't really want to put him the car.
We went straight home, had some lunch and put him into bed as he was shattered.
Monday night, Uncle Dave came over to baby sit for the boys for the first time. It just so happened that Leo didn't want to settle and I was so close to not going but I decided to just go and come home if he got worse. Dave was okay with it.
5 minutes after I left the house, Dave sent me a text to say that Leo was quiet. I think he knew.
I had a really nice time. I met up with my sister Katie, my best friend Lucy and her 2 sisters, Jaimie and Angela. The food wasn't good but the company was great.
I didn't get home too late and the boys had been fine which was brilliant.
The next day was mental. The boys had me up really early, 5:47am to be exact and I just knew it was going to be tough going as Ellis was going to be so tired.
We made it to Leo's sing and sign class but Ellis had started asking me for his rabbit (which he sleeps with), which wasn't a good sign. He has never asked me for it before so I knew he was already really tired.
In the class, poor Leo got to just roam around the floor harrassing other Mums to lift him into a standing position while I tried to control Ellis. He didn't actually do anything naughty but that was because I had stopped him on several occasions. I tried so hard to just get him to sit down but it didn't work too well. I then sent him to "time out" and he made loads of noise, which is when Leo also decided to puke all over me. I was almost crying but the class finished and I packed them up quickly and left.
I was hoping that Ellis would fall asleep soon after leaving the class so that he could get a good half an hour in before pre-school. Unfortunately he was too excited and was still awake as I pulled into the car park, early again.
I knew the teachers would be in for trouble but I didn't get a chance to warn them. I set him up at a table with his lunch and left him to it.
I went home and did some chores before picking him up.
You have to line up and sign them out. As I reached the door I could see him climbing on tables and running around instead of sitting on the floor with the other children waiting for their parents. The lady then asked me to read and sign 2 incident reports which was tricky to do as I was trying to hold on to Ellis who wanted to run off to the main door. Basically he fell over and banged his head, quite badly and the other one, I think, said something about him pinching someone over a toy. I'm sure he did do something but he has never pinched anyone or anything ever so that would be a new one. Maybe it was pushed as he does tend to do that quite a bit. Sounds terrible!
Wednesday morning was quite relaxed which was nice. I put the boys in bed together and Ellis gave Leo some lovely kisses and was just generally really nice to him.
Late morning I tried to put Ellis down for a nap as he was yawning, red eyed and did say he was tired. He clearly wasn't as he kept leaving his room and running and hiding in our en-suite. I was determined to win though and after an hour of fighting him, he went to sleep.
Caroline and Angus came up for a visit which was really nice. Angus and Leo just played on the floor while we had a good chat.
I managed to get some cute pictures of Angus, just after he had woken up from a power nap.
In the afternoon we had our usual music classes and Mum arrived early so was able to help me in getting the boys ready. We have recently found that Leo likes it when Ellis jumps up and down, so I got him to do it for a video. It wasn't as funny the fourth time around but still pretty good.
I arrived early for Leo's class. It was really busy and full of new mummies with their tiny babies. We had a lovely time and Leo seemed to really enjoy himself. It was the end of term so it was time for some bubbles.
Thursday morning was yet another early start at 6am. It just had to happen when Ellis was due to go to school in the morning. This would mean that he would be up early, miss his nap time and be at school, so I knew he would be over tired again by the time I went to pick him up.
I was going to take Leo swimming in the morning which would have been really nice for the 2 of us but he had a slight temperature first thing so I thought it would be better to give it a miss.
On picking Ellis up from school, I found him sat on a teachers lap ready to be collected. I asked if he had been okay that day and I was asked if I could stay behind for a quick chat. The lady was trying to explain to me that they were struggling to get him to sit still and concentrate and that when sat with others he kicks them. I was trying to hold Ellis at the time who was just struggling in my arms. Not easy. She said he was still young and it was early days and that she was sure it would improve. I asked if there was anything I could do to help, and apparently there isn't.
Anyway I thought I should make a real effort to give Ellis lots of one on one time, doing interesting things to see if that might help the current situation. I don't think I appreciated how much it affected him being away from me. On Thursday night when we went to my Mum's for dinner as usual, he was asking me if I was going into Nanny's house too. Then on Wednesday afternoon when we were in Sainsbury's, I went off with Leo to grab some bits and Mum said all he did was ask where I had gone, and when I returned he just wanted to give me cuddles, and he did! That is very unusual for him.
So I have sat with him and done puzzles, play dough, reading, writing, drawing, colouring, cooking, got him to help with the washing, and trying to get him to do dressing and undressing himself, he has even helped to look after Leo a bit which I think is a really good thing to do, I've watched TV with him, sang songs, done signing and dancing, used his laptop, played trains, pretend cups of tea and cake, play fighting/tickling and other stuff. I plan to take him to the airport tomorrow so we can watch some planes land and take off. Should be fun.
I asked Ellis to draw a heart.
Ready for cooking in his new apron.
Leo not liking the flash on the camera much. You can really see his teeth in this picture.
Friday afternoon I left Leo at home with Rob so that I could do the gym class with Ellis on his own. He was a bit hyper but I managed to control him okay and we both had a really good time.
The weekend has been rather mellow. Not really done much at all. I did some cooking with Ellis on Saturday and then today we went to Sainsburys and the park where Ellis helped to push Leo on the swing, very cute.
Leo has really improved walking with the walker and pulls himself up all the time now. I will try and get some video in the week.
That's enough for now. Happy Valentines day! xxx
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