I spent some time playing with him until I noticed that it was 3:50pm and Ellis was still asleep! I had put him down at 1:30pm. He was woken early by Leo though and he did a lot of walking and running in the morning.
We basically just messed around playing until dinner time. Leo was much happier after he had eaten.
Today Rob and I watched Leo trying to get up on his feet! He was in the yoga downward dog position! I can't believe it. He is definitely going to be walking in a couple of months. Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture it on video but I did get some video of him just generally moving around and messing with doors! Both boys have an obsession with doors.
Ellis was wicked all day! He was really good and really happy. It was so nice to see and I enjoyed my day with him. He is my best buddy so it saddens me when we aren't getting along. It sounds silly because he is only 2 1/2 but I don't like fighting him, mainly because he wins!
I didn't bath Leo as he wasn't feeling well but he didn't want to go to sleep. I gave him some Calpol and a little cuddle and he was soon off to the land of nod, where I will be going too soon.
We are out for a meal tomorrow with Leighton, Jaidan, Sabriel and Jasper. We haven't seen them for a few months now so we should all see quite a difference in each other. I've lost a stone, Leo and Ellis have certainly changed and Rob has lost a bit more weight too. Should be fun. I'll try and take pictures and videos but I will have my hands full feeding others and eating too.
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