I haven't been miserable though and in fact I did my first ever drawing. It isn't up to Faith's standards but her drawings are amazing!
I'm not really sure why but Mummy did a video of me just after she had finished clearing up another pile of puke which landed on the sofa, floor, my book, me and Mummy.
I was put to bed after my bath and Mummy tentatively gave me some milk before putting me to bed in pyjamas for the first time. Mummy was going to take a picture of them in the morning but I was sick during the night and so they had to go in the washing machine, along with my fitted sheet, sleeping bag, mattress cover and vest. Thankfully I missed all my teddies.
In the morning Mummy came in to get me, only to find me covered in poo. Yuck! I'd had diarrhea and it had leaked everywhere! Mummy had to do yet another load of washing as well as clean me up.
Breakfast went well and I stuffed my face with Weetabix, banana, raisins, blueberries and a couple of crisps. I was so thirsty too, I drank a beaker and half of water.
Mummy kept me in the kitchen for ages after that as she was worried that it was all going to come back up. I just sat and played some music.
After my nap, Mummy spent ages scrubbing the kitchen floor and just generally cleaning up, and I with my new crawling skill explored the downstairs. Mummy doesn't seem to mind and only raises her voice at me if I go towards the black box under the television.
Lunch went well too, although I didn't want to eat the sloppy vegetables that Mummy was trying to spoon into me. I was quite happy to eat chunks of cheese, blueberries of course, raisins, a fruit pot and some crisps. That all stayed down too so things are looking up.
I went down for my nap in the afternoon and Mummy had lunch and typed up the blog.
Mummy had to wake me up in the end as I was still asleep at 3:30pm. She tried to give me my milk but I didn't want any.
We then went for a walk down to Sainsburys to get a few things and on the way home we stopped off in the park for a quick go on a swing.
Dinner wasn't too bad. I still didn't want the vegetables and pasta but I gladly ate the fruit pot and crisps.
Mummy and Daddy bathed me and then I was fed, very little, and put into bed. It was so hot that Mummy put the fan on for me and I didn't go in my sleeping bag either.
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