Friday is usually a very busy day for us but we had to go to the doctors as I have sore eyes. The doctor gave Mummy some eye drops to try and make things better.
Having bad eyes meant that I couldn't be around other children so Mummy said we couldn't go to Twinkling Stars. Boo.
Mummy spent the day in the kitchen cooking endless amounts of food for me to eat.
The finished result was yummy. Mummy put Marmite in the stir fry to add flavour, and I must admit, it worked.
Mummy also did lots of washing and as you can see, Mummy likes a very select amount of colours.
I had my afternoon nap as normal and then when I woke up Mummy let me play in my cot for a bit while she put away some clothes.
Friday night Mummy went out to a Line Dance. She had a really good time and a good workout.
There was a really bad storm during the night too but I missed it as I was asleep.
Saturday morning, Daddy did the early shift while Mummy tried to recover from the night before.
Daddy and I played loads and had lots of fun.
Daddy went back to bed at the same time as me but didn't get up until 12:40!
Tim and Kay, Daddy's old work friend and his fiancee, came to our house and then we all went to a pub for some lunch. Unfortunately they had stopped serving food so we had to go to another pub around the corner instead. I at this point was supposed to be asleep.
All the adults had food and drink and I had some milk and a bit of Mummy's bread before we went our separate ways.
We went to the shops and I had a good sleep and then we popped in to see Nanny and Granddad Rennolds. We didn't stay long as they were going out for a birthday party.
We were late home for my dinner and I was starving, but Mummy soon sorted it all out and Daddy fed me.
Bath and bed routine was normal but I wasn't ready to go to bed. I had had a late nap so wasn't too happy for about half an hour. Mummy and Daddy ignored me so I soon gave up and went to sleep.
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