I slept through the night again but woke Mummy up at 5:50am. She didn't come to get me though until about 6:10am where she found me parallel to the bottom of the cot.
I was moved back into a normal position and then left again. I couldn't believe it, so I rolled over on my front and then continued to moan for another 10 minutes to see if I could get Mummy to come back. Needless to say, she did, and we were soon downstairs having breakfast.
We didn't have anything planned for today, so Mummy just ate loads of chocolate and Daddy did some work. I played on the floor with all my toys.
For Easter I received a book from Nanny and Granddad Rennolds, some joggers, vests and a book from Nanny and Granddad George and a chocolate egg from Uncle Craig, Auntie Karen and Cousin Charley. Thanks everyone.
Lunch was good as always and then I just played some more. I went in my door bouncer which is always good fun and I just couldn't stop talking today. It was nice to have Mummy and Daddy all to myself.
Since going onto solid food, I seem to do number 2's all the time! I have now ended up with a sore bottom so Mummy and Daddy are checking me every 30 minutes to see if I need changing. I don't mind.
Granddad Rennolds phoned just before 4 o'clock to speak to Mummy. She then gave me and Daddy a kiss and left the house.
Mummy and Daddy had a cat called Misty who they had had for nearly 13 years. She was put down a few months before I was born so I never got to meet her. Mummy talks about her a lot and shows me pictures so I feel like I know her. Anyway, Mummy went to bury her today. I know she was quite sad about it as she said it made it feel more real now, that she was actually gone and not coming back. I think she is relieved that it is all over though.
While Mummy was out, Daddy played with me loads, read to me and fed me my dinner. We had tons of fun but we missed Mummy.
Mummy got home in time to give me a bath and Daddy put their dinner on.
It was quite a quick bath but I fell asleep having my feed so I may wake up in the night. Sorry Mummy if I do.
Ah this made me feel really sad.x x x