First stop was Jolly Babies and I had loads of fun doing the clapping songs.
Then we went to the car wash and Mummy spent ages wiping it dry when we got home.
Then Mummy had her lunch before we went to visit the health visitor. I was weighed and I am now 20lbs and 1oz. That is huge!
We then zoomed home and I had my lunch before we went to pick up Charlotte and Faith so that we could all go to Naomi's house.
We arrived at Naomi and Iestyn's house just after 2 o'clock and we all sat on the floor playing with Iestyn's toys.
Mummy morning has now moved to a Tuesday afternoon so that Charlotte and Faith can come too. Sally and Anna were also there and Sharon and Sophie will hopefully join us again next week as they have been on holiday.
We had a really good time but left at around 4 o'clock as I was due to have a nap.
It is Granddad Rennolds' birthday tomorrow so Charlotte kindly agreed to come with us to the shops so that I could stay in the car and sleep while Mummy popped in to buy a present.
Mummy didn't take very long at all and was very pleased with her purchase.
After dropping Charlotte and Faith home we just played on my mat until Daddy got back from work.
I had my dinner and a bath and was soon tucked up in bed.
Wednesday morning and Mummy was shattered. I got up 3 times during the night, starting at 10:30pm, and it wasn't as simple as feeding me and putting me back down, I just kept crying. Mummy refused to let me come into her bed though.
I had fruit for breakfast and it was yummy. The only problem, was that I had to feed myself.
Daddy also tried to give me a questions and answers session. Here are the results.
Today Granddad Rennolds turned 55! I share a birthday with him as I am 7 months old today. This means that Mummy takes yet more photos of me.
After the photo session we got dressed and went to see Granddad.
He liked his present but it didn't fit so we have to go back to the shop to change it. Mummy doesn't mind as she can use this as an excuse to buy more things.
We had a wicked morning, just playing games and messing around. Mummy took tons and tons of photos and here are just a few.
We went back home at 2 o'clock and I had a nap while Mummy tidied up the house a bit.
When I woke up Mummy changed my clothes as they were wet and then we had a further photo session. I think Mummy may have a bit of a problem.
Mummy managed to capture good pictures of my bottom and new top teeth. You will need to open up the larger size to see them clearly. Also if you ever want the better quality photo, just let Mummy know and she can send it to you. That way, Nannies, you can have clearer pictures of me to print.
By about 4:30 I was getting bored, and so was Mummy. So I was thrown in my buggy and we went for a stroll down to Sainsburys.
Mummy bought me loads of nice stuff, fish, sweetcorn, mango, papaya, blackberries and broccoli.
Naomi and Iestyn were also at Sainsurys and we had a quick chat before they had to go.
Back at home, Daddy was late so we had dinner without him. I had, for the first time, a finger of toast. I had great fun, mashing it all up and then rubbing it into my tray and then pushing it all on the floor. I don't think I actually ate any!
I was given a quick bath, small feed and then I was off to bed. I was shattered and Mummy could barely keep me awake to have any food.
Mummy went out to her line dancing class and she had a really good time. The only problem is, is that she comes home still buzzing and it takes her ages to calm down enough to go to bed. That then has a knock on effect to the next day where she is so tired.
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