I'm still not well so we didn't go to Mummies Morning, which was a shame as I know Mummy was looking forward to actually seeing another adult other than Daddy.
I was in my big bed again last night but because I kept coughing myself awake, Mummy had to keep coming in and seeing me. She was up and down like a yo-yo and was very tired today because of it.
Mummy did her ironing and I just lounged around. I was put too close to the tree at one point though and I nearly managed to grab a bauble.
When Daddy came home from work I had a feed before being put in the car and going to the local pub to meet up with our friend Adam.
Mummy and Daddy stayed with Adam in Shanghai and then went on a little trip around China with him. You can see the adventures by clicking on the Travel Diary link on the right hand side.
All we did though was to have some food and a chat. Adam gave me a Christmas present of a picture frame with a cuddly panda around it. It is very cute.
Mummy and I left Daddy at the pub and went home for my bath and bed. I'm still not well and I can't eat properly. Can't wait until I am better and I can fill my tummy up.
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