Monday morning is yoga, which was really good and we stayed for a while after to have a nice long chat with the other mums.
Mummy planned to go to Ikea on the way home but it was just too busy so we went around the traffic and back home.
We stayed in for the rest of the day waiting for a delivery but it didn't arrive until quite late.
Here are some more pictures of me with Mr Seahorse. Plus I have started to get rather clever by trying to hold 2 toys at once.
On Tuesday, first thing in the morning Mummy and I just took our time getting ready. I usually have another feed and a quick nap before leaving for Jolly Babies.
The car park was crammed when we arrived and all these silly Mummies were going to and fro, trying to get into car parking spaces. Mummy was getting rather frustrated as she is a much better driver and wanted to get out and move all the cars herself. Plus I had a dirty nappy which needed to be changed before we started singing.
The hall was really hot but we had an excellent time. We even did a bit of line dancing again which is well cool. My favourite song was played too, "A baby came a dancing".
We went home after and just sat in. Mummy had lunch and then Auntie Lucy came over for a coffee. I really like Auntie Lucy and I gave her lots of big smiles.
Mummy forgot to tell Auntie Lucy that I now have 2 teeth so I accidentally took a bite out of her finger. Oops.
In the evening Daddy sat and read to me. The books are really good but I just want to taste them!
Wednesday was Mummy morning at our house. Mummy made lots of tea, coffee and squash and put out a plate of cakes that went down very well.
Faith seemed to have a lovely time just chilling out on the sofa watching the world go by.
Charlotte and Faith stayed for lunch and Mummy did a fry up. It was the first time she had ever done anything like that and I think she was very proud of herself. It seemed to be eaten very quickly so I think it tasted nice.
For some reason I was feeling rather hungry and sleepy all day. I slept at 10 for 30 minutes, then at 2 for just over an hour, then again at 3:30 to 4:15. I was still in bed by 7:15 and slept through to 4am.
In this short video, if you look very carefully, my face is moving as I am having a dream about something. A few seconds before I was smiling but Mummy missed it.
Our new computer arrived, in bits, and the evening was spent with Mummy building it with Daddy looking on. I think she did a good job and I know she enjoyed it. I think she loved the fact that she was doing something with Daddy and not just sat in front of the T.V., or ironing.
Mummy was too tired to go to line dancing so she just showered and went to bed.
Next week we are off on our first family holiday to Berlin, so there wont be a blog until we get back. I think it will be quite a long one so don't worry if you don't see anything for ages.
Thursday is our staying in day. In the morning I had a nice feed and then a quick nap back in my bed. Mummy noticed that I had fallen asleep still holding my rattle and decided to video me.
Nanny and Kamron came over so we ended up going out after all, for a walk. It was very cold outside but it was nice to get some fresh air.
We went to the library to change my books and then went into the shops. We stopped in the cafe in Sainsburys and had something to eat, well, I didn't but everyone else did.
Then Kamron and I both had a nap in our buggies, so Nanny and Mummy went for a really long walk around the neighbourhood and didn't get home until 45 minutes later.
I had my nap in the afternoon which is when Mummy did this very long blog and then Daddy came to get me from my bed when he got home from work.
I was put on my back, on my mat to play for a bit while Mummy and Daddy were making dinner and messing around with the new computer. When they returned to the living room, this is how they found me.
Little did they know but I managed to grab the elephant toy hanging in front of me, but it fell off and away from me. Well, I thought it was about time that I retrieved my toys myself, so I rolled over and got it.
Mummy and Daddy were so chuffed that they kept putting me on my back and then teasing me with the elephant toy again, and again, and again. I showed them my new trick with pleasure and Daddy did a video for you all to see.
As you probably know, it is swimming then Twinkling Stars tomorrow and I think the weekend will be spent getting everything ready for our holiday. I am so excited about going away. I have to go on a plane for the first time and a bus, and a train, and sleep in a travel cot, and stay in a hotel, and hear a different language! So many firsts!
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