Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Day 111 - Shadow

Before I start moaning, I want to gloat about my Oscar who came 1st place overall for year 4 (boys) from the sports day!  So chuffed for him.   The school sent a certificate which I've printed out and will put up in his room.

Right, back to moaning as I had a terrible night.  I couldn't go to sleep, people were talking, lights were on, Rob was typing on his laptop and I just felt very sick.  I tossed and turned, snoozed in and out, got up a few times and just stared out the window and thought I might as well just go downstairs and do something else but I did manage to get a couple more hours before my alarm went off. 😴

With Leo not going to school and Oscar not starting until Thursday, it means I don't have to rush so much to get out for an early jog, so I managed to just lie in bed for an extra half an hour thinking about the day ahead.

My leg is still a bit sore and I did go slow today but that's probably because of not feeling 100%, not enough sleep and carrying a slight injury, but I did it and Oscar actually joined me for the JW workout which was nice. 💙

Do you ever get the feeling that you're being followed? Out this morning I had an eerie feeling that someone was right behind me and I kept looking over my shoulder. It didn't help me to run any faster though. 😂 Scared of my own shadow! But at one point my shadow was in front of me and I still felt it.  I go down a little side road on my route and I felt so uneasy that I had to take an ear bud out so I could hear what was going on around me. Weird indeed, but that's me. 😄

School work is going okay, we are only doing the basics now which is fine, and I want to try and work on getting them out more as there is way too much sitting being done.  Weather isn't helping me though! 🌪🌥☁☁☁

I kicked the boys out at 2pm again and had a lovely long shower.  I just stood there, warming up my bones and waiting for the hot water to run out.  I thought about going to bed for an hour but had words with myself instead and went to the kitchen to try and be productive.  Sorted some washing and a few odd bits. 

I'm trying to get rid of some stuff the boys don't use any more so took photos and uploaded them on to some selling sites.  It takes ages and I'm pretty sure it's not really worth the few pennies I get for it.  Might as well just charity shop it. 🤷

I need to learn to do make-up

I put on a really snuggly jumper for the afternoon.  It's quite hot but I don't care as I just feel like a teddy.🧸

I keep walking into things.  I'm not sure if it's tiredness or being distracted but it hurts. 😂😂. Walked into door frames, the kitchen counter a couple of times, the back door, shower door, stubbed my toe on the bed frame, knocked my head on the tumble dryer, bruised my elbow and just generally being a clumsy oaf as Rob would say. 😊😵🤕

Oscar had a friend over in the afternoon and they played on the computer, Leo came back from the park upset as no one wanted to play today and the scooter park was full with teenagers, Ellis did play with him on the trampoline for a bit instead though which was nice.   Ellis was pretty much in his room all day, moaning that he has restricted screen time. 😐

Can't wait to get the kids to bed and get to bed too.  I really do hope it's more successful than last night as I'm planning a longer run tomorrow morning. 🤞. We have Shauna and Lucy over tomorrow afternoon too.

Bucket list additions...

36.     See Hamilton
37.    Visit friends in Toronto
38.    Go to Yosemite park
39.    Learn to make a chunky knit blanket
40.    See a whale in the wild
41.    Go kayaking in crystal clear waters
42.    Go strawberry picking and make muffins
43.    Make a new friend
44.    Be brave and try something new
45.    Make a decision about furniture for the house

Right so Rob's nearly home, he doesn't want dinner just yet although he has a lasagne waiting to be reheated in the micro for him, need to get in my pyjamas and start getting Oscar to bed.  Looking forward to just watching some crap telly or reading my book.   Wish me luck! 🍀

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