Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Day 47 - Blister

Well my march to and from the shops yesterday gave me a blister.  I wore my Uggs which is normally like wearing slippers outside but I think I've been wearing trainers and fluffy socks for the last 6 weeks so my feet weren't used to them.  Luckily it didn't bother me when doing our usual workout this morning but it was throbbing the rest of the day.  Love the word throb 😂

School work is just ticking along.  I'm sure it is getting easier, or they are giving them less as they seem to be getting it all done rather quickly.  That means I have to try and pad out the afternoon with some other things, which is fine but if I haven't warned Leo about it first he will refuse to do it.  It would be easy to just say let them go off and play but I need to fill the day a bit before I let them loose.  They're happy enough though.

Leo is missing his friends, Oscar is a bit up and down.  He just came to me for a hug because he felt like he needed one.  Ellis is more than happy at home but he did say today that he wasn't feeling quite right.  I think mainly he is tired today, he over slept, and is yawning constantly.  It might have something to do with the fact that he refuses to go to sleep and stays up messing around doing stuff like this.

Came into his room this morning to this!

At lunchtime today I decided to make my first ever lemon drizzle cake.  It all went really well, until I left it in the oven 5 minutes too long.  It still tasted really good though and no complaints from Rob.  I didn't know that it was one of his favourite cakes. 👍Didn't take a picture as it's a bit over cooked.

Leo struggled to get back on with his work today, I need to make sure he has a list in the morning of things he needs to complete and that will help I'm sure and Oscar didn't really do too much either.  I was late getting back to it as I was still baking.  Never mind.  Tomorrow is another day. 

For our quiet reading time Leo went into the living room and Oscar and I sat in the garden.  It was a bit windy and he moaned about the sun but it was nice while it lasted.

Oscar and Ellis asked to have their nails painted and seeing as they won't be at school for a long time I didn't see why not.  Oscar always goes for multiple colours and Ellis went for pink.

I sat in the garden reading my book for a bit longer before doing the blog.  Trying to get it done early today as I'm feeling exhausted and just want my bed.

Rob is going into the office tomorrow and it's going to be a lot warmer than today, so hopefully, if I can get up early enough, I'm going out for a jog and dragging Ellis with me as he hasn't done his workout for 3 days, lazy bones.

I tried to put the boys to bed in a calmer, more drawn out way to see if they were easier.  Oscar was really good, normally he calls out 4 or 5 times, then ends up going to the toilet and gets back to bed, leaving his door open this time.  I like to keep it shut as when I send Leo or Ellis up they usually disturb him.   As I type this, Leo is in my bed chilling with a film and Ellis is watching some funny videos with Rob.  So I'll report back tomorrow how it went with the other two.

Feeling rather sick and full from my chilli dinner and beer, that I took to bed.  Bit strange for a Tuesday evening.  Paying for it now though.  Need to have a lie down so once I've put the other two to bed, that's where I am going.

Another day of lockdown done.  I wonder what the phasing out process will be?  Not long to find out I suppose.  I'm not holding out any hope of doing anything I want to do for a very long time, which is see my family, friends and go to netball.  Not asking much really. 😊

Today I learnt that I need to check cakes in the oven more regularly, I'm missing my parents, I'm very grateful that they are well.  Can't say safe and well as both still go to the shops, socialise (at a social distance) and see my sister and her kids, who see other people!  They can't be told though so what can you do? 🤷

I haven't had a "bad" day for a while but I did struggle today a bit.  I think my energy levels were too low so I need to look after myself a bit more, which I'm doing now by going to bed at 9:30pm.  I am going to watch the Killing Eve episode in bed though, but will definitely switch my light off by 11pm. 👍

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