Saturday morning I had to get out. I'd been home just over a week and things were a bit tense in the house. I wrapped up warm and hit the cycle path, which obviously was packed with people getting their bit of exercise in. My first stop was on the bridge overlooking the motorway which was eerily quiet.
Getting some air was beneficial but was also my first opportunity to take stock and have a bit of a moment with no kids around to worry or upset. I had a good ugly cry and just let off some steam. Haven't really cried properly for a long time and I felt better after. It did look rather dodgy when I came back out of the hedges though 😂 I was stood by a field of horses and not just sitting in a hedge crying my eyes out.
The boys were happy as they got to go on screens for pretty much the whole day!
Not sure if it was the long walk, the fresh air or boredom but I stuffed my face all day Saturday, so much so that I gave myself a stomach ache. I'm also pretty tead out. I love tea and drink it by the bucket load, but recently I have been having so many that I think I need to have a break!
Also my body hates me. I went from doing a long march to sitting down for hours so obviously as soon as I get up and try to walk, I can't. My hip had decided to seize up and make me walk like a very old lady with incontinence. I have to say very old as my mum is 71 (not an old lady yet) and is way fitter than me. 👵
Rob went to Sainsbury's in the afternoon with a very long list of stuff to try and get. He was gone for ages but came back with pretty much everything, apart from flour. The boys school thought it would be a great idea to do a cooking lesson this week but we haven't been able to get any flour to complete it. Luckily a local friend came to the rescue.
The boys had a late night Saturday night, which meant I had an even later one. I've been trying to start a new book for about a month, and I just can't concentrate long enough to start it. I'm feeling a lot more settled about being stuck home so I'm going to try and give it another go. It's called Stalker by Lars Kepler. I'm sure it will be a nice, comforting read 🤔
I'd planned to have a lie in on Sunday morning, like 10 o'clock ish, maybe later, but I was rudely awoken by the sound of smashing from the kitchen, followed by Oscar crying. I stumbled down the stairs, with only one eye open, to find that he had accidentally dropped a plate. Pieces of white porcelain mixed in with his toast covered about a 12ft radius of the kitchen floor. How does it spread so far!? After clearing it up and making him some new toast I thought I would try and go back to bed. I think I lasted about 3 minutes before I gave up and made my way back downstairs.
I was spending some time getting prepared for the following school day, printing out sheets and making sure I sort of knew what we were supposed to be doing, when I had an unexpected Facetime call from my Uncle Robin and Auntie Kris, who live with my 91 year old Grandma. Basically my Grandma sleeps, all the time. Then suddenly she'll have an awake day where she can sit up and chat to you like she saw you yesterday. I haven't seen her awake since her birthday back in September. It is so amazing how the brain works! All the boys said hello and we messed about with Grandma for a bit. It was so nice to see them all.
I didn't think I was going out for another walk on the Sunday but Rob wasn't able to go to Boots to pick up some medication and after checking in with the in-laws I had a small shopping list. It was cold, so I wrapped up warm and decided to walk instead of drive to the shops. On a normal day I probably wouldn't even think of walking but I'll take any opportunity now! I was hoping the walk would help ease the dodgy hip too.
Since lockdown I haven't been to the shops. It was actually not a very nice experience. It wasn't because it was crazy busy or anything but there are just some really unthoughtful people about. I picked up the prescription with no problems but then had to go into Sainsbury's. There was no queue outside and generally not too busy inside but everyone just crowds together and gives you no space! I made it into a game and zig zagged through the shop only using aisles that were empty. I pretty much walked in, and right back out. Rob can keep going instead 😉
Back home, I dropped off some stuff and then had to drive to the in-laws. I was so happy to get out in the car. Luckily it started after a few seconds of trying and I was soon coasting down the road. I love driving and I took my time to get there.
Their porch was locked so I left everything on the doorstep and called them from the car. I was then given a further item they needed so off I popped to the local shop. I love being useful and feeling like I'm helping out so I didn't mind at all. I found what they needed and posted it through the letter box this time. They seem okay. I try to check in with them once a day, just for a little chat and to see if they need anything. It's frustrating not being able to keep helping them like I was as things were starting to improve for the pair of them. Hopefully I will still get the opportunity once this pandemic is over, and it will be over.
Back at home, I sorted dinner and then started to get ready for my night in with the Mummy Lot. We had agreed earlier in the week that we would make a bit of an effort and wear something nice and maybe put in some nice earings! 😱 Obviously I went overboard. 😁
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Love a bit of Snapchat 😜 |
We had the usual technical problems and lost Naomi early on to some sort of poo incident with her kids.🙈
Sally is our retail hero and was shattered after doing, I think 6 early shifts in a row. By early, I mean 1:30am get up and Shazza is our NHS hero but has been self isolating for 2 weeks (feels like a month).
I had done my hair, put a bit of slap on and was wearing a going out top with pyjama bottoms and slippers. 😄 I always have to have a mess about with Snapchat filters once I'm ready.
I poured myself a glass of wine and had a good old chat with the girls. I think though because I was a bit happy, I glugged my wine like squash and before I knew it, I had pretty much done the bottle in. Having had a stomach ache from the Saturday I hadn't eaten that much all day so it went straight to my head! 😵
Sally and Shazza went to bed and I kept on waffling to Lotty for what felt like 10 minutes but was probably over an hour 😂 Thanks again Lotty x
I can't believe I got drunk on a school night! I knew I would pay for it in the morning and it also meant I couldn't do this blog. I didn't realise so much could happen in one weekend 😅
Over the past couple of days I have learnt lots of things but mainly that it is important for me to have some alone time every now and then. I am looking forward to getting back to my netball club as I miss the girls, miss the fitness, miss the competitive part of it and miss the chance to properly go nuts. 😈 I am grateful that I got to see my Grandma, awake and able to chat. 😍
Wow that was a mammoth blog, but I enjoyed doing it. I hope this makes some of you smile.😊
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Night all xxx |
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