Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3

Monday morning and it was time to go back to school.  I was a bit sad really as we had had a brilliant 2 weeks off.  It was really sunny so I slapped loads of sun cream on him and took him over.

Leo played lovely with the battery operated trains that the kids were really excited about, before I tried to get him up for a nap.  It worked, eventually.

Oscar went for an early nap as on holiday he didn't have regular naps so was feeling tired.  I was feeling it a bit too.  I think I just wore myself out and felt totally drained.  Thankfully Mum came over and looked after me for a bit.  She also bought over a gorgeous bunch of flowers as a thank you for organising the holiday.  Lush!

I did manage to go to Sing and Sign and Oscar loved it.  It was breast cancer awareness week so everyone was supposed to try and wear pink.  I asked Jill, Millie's Mum, if she could bring some stuff in for Oscar and  she did! I thought he looked so cute!  Sorry about the quality of the pictures but they were taken on my old phone, in poor lighting with a moving child.

Next week will be his last week of Stage 1 Sing and Sign and then we have a long break before starting Stage 2 in September.

We picked Ellis up from school, he was totally hanging but he had his swimming lesson at 6pm, so we went home for some dinner first.

I took the boys pyjamas with me this week so that I had less to do when I got home. It worked out really well as Leo fell asleep on the way home and I all I had to do was transfer him from car to bed.  Rob helped me out when I got back so it was even easier.

Tuesday I tried to get Leo to have a nap but he just refused, so by the time we got to his gym class, he was of course ready for bed.  Nighmare!  Luckily he got on with it and we had a nice time.

After lunch the cheeky bugger managed to have a nap, in my bed! Alright for some!

I pottered around still clearing up from our holiday, and didn't check Oscar enough as I came into the living room to find him with a lump of the fake coal from the fire in his hand! It had a chunk missing out of it and Oscar had black all over his face, hands and clothes and it was smothered all over the floor, rug and fire place.  He'd been having so much fun!  I didn't get a picture, although I should of done.

I cleared him up and checked online if the coal would be toxic or not, which it wasn't.

Straight after getting Ellis we went up Mum and Dad's house for dinner.  Chloe and Kamron were there so they all played together nicely and had tons of fun.

Mum made fajitas and I swear Ellis ate his weight in chicken, peppers, onions and ice-cream! It's so nice to see him enjoy his food.  Ellis and I had rather full tummy's by the end of the feast.

From Mum's we went to see Charlotte, Faith and Honour's Mum, as my Mum had an old chair that she wanted to go to a good home and I just knew Charlotte was the right person for it.  The chair had a lot of happy memories for my Mum and I know she was sad to part with it but I also know that Charlotte would give it a loving home.  Could I have a picture please Charlotte if you can.

Rob was away in London that night and I got home late from Charlotte's so by the time I had got everyone in bed and cleared up a bit, it was quite late.

I spent some time working on the contact spreadsheet for the class Mum's and then a little bit of blogging before messing around with my new phone, the Samsung Galaxy S3.  I love it!

Wednesday morning the boys all sat on the same sofa so I quickly grabbed my camera hoping to get one good shot.  I don't think I achieved it really.

At least I tried.

The day was cloudy but hot and sticky so I again smothered Ellis in sun cream before taking him to school, followed by Leo.

I then went to get some fuel and took Oscar to the park on his own.  It was great.  He had a lovely long go in the swing and practiced some of his walking skills for a bit.  I also had a lovely chat with some Grandparents who were looking after young twin girls.  They certainly had their hands full.

Oscar and I went to Music with Mummy and then home for lunch and nap time but he hardly slept so I couldn't get anything done before I had to go out again to pick Leo up!

We stayed and played for a while at Ellis' school then they came home and played in the garden for a bit before dinner, bath and bed.

Rob was home late again, which means from 7:30pm onwards, and I cooked dinner when he got in.  It was stir fry with sweet chilli sauce and garlic chicken kievs.  It was yummy.

Uncle Dave came over to do some work on the car and I spent my evening on the contact spreadsheet which was taking way longer than I thought it would, doing blog notes, and faffing about on the web.  I wonder how many hours a week I do that!?

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