Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Leo & Ava

Monday morning I did tons of ironing before my Mum came over as I didn't want her to feel that she always has to do it for me.  I really do appreciate it but don't want to take it for granted either.  I manged to get 99% of it done thankfully and Rob was home to help get Ellis ready for school.

At Sing and Sign there were only 2 of us and I thought that Katherine would cancel it but thankfully she didn't and we had lots of fun.  We kept trying to get Oscar walking some more but he didn't want to. He will get there in his own time.

Back home for lunch then out again to Jolly Babies, with Leo in tow.  He is generally a good boy during the class but can get a bit noisy.

Next term Oscar will move up to Music with Mummy class which will mean a lot less lifting for me but he is at that age where he just wants to run away all the time.  I'm not sure it's going to work but I'll give it a go.

It all changes after half term.  Ellis will only have 29 school days left and his swimming lesson is moving to 6pm on Monday, his dancing will now be on a Wednesday at 4:15pm.  Leo will probably be starting a music class on the Thursday morning and I'm hoping to hear about his swimming lessons soon. Oscar is moving to Music with Mummy on a Wednesday morning so I won't have to take Leo with me anymore.

The food shopping arrived Tuesday morning and Lucy came over for a cuppa and a chat.  It was great to catch up with her as we sometimes go a long time without talking.

I took Leo to his gym class and he had loads of fun. He really loves it there.  Oscar did great too and I even saw him walking a few steps, holding a ring! Clever boy.

Straight from gym class we went to Sophie's house for some lunch which was yummy.  Ted and Leo played in the garden and Oscar wandered around the living room looking at all the new toys.

Back at home Gemma offered to pick Ellis up, which she did, and I took care of Ava for her.  Leo and Ava are great together and have tons of fun, being naughty.

In the evening, Rob and I had an appointment at the school for a phonics workshop, so Mum and Dad came over to put the boys to bed.  I had made sure that I had fed them early and bathed them all and put them in their pyjamas.  All that needed to be done was teeth, wee, story, bed.

At the school the teachers showed us how they are teaching our children to read and write, using a program called Read Write Inc.  They treated us like we were a class of 4/5 year olds and we had to do all the actions, say all the sounds and play along.  It was really funny and very well done but I found it quite stressful.  I just felt under pressure.  Rob on the other hand loved it and was hoping they would test him!

We survived and got home to find Oscar sat with Grandad as he didn't want to go to bed.  That was fine and I took him straight up and he was okay.  Leo had been a bit of a pain but had finally gone to sleep.

We ordered a Chinese takeaway and then sat chatting about our up coming holiday.  Mum and Dad are coming with us for the first time so we were discussing a plan for getting all the bikes there, the buggy, the luggage, what we were going to book up etc etc.  It went on for a long time and Mum got tired and they didn't stay very late.

I went to bed reasonably late and very shortly after Leo woke up coughing and was a bit sick.  He just couldn't go back to sleep after that.  After going in to him what felt like 100 times, I just brought him in with me.  He hardly slept all night, meaning I didn't either.  He kept stirring, counting himself back to sleep then stirring, then counting again.  It was an endless cycle that continued until Ellis woke up mega early, as in there was still a 5 on my clock.  That is never good.

I left Ellis to it and when I came downstairs a bit later on, I found that he had put a spoon out for everyone for breakfast, had eaten a fairy cake on the sofa (crumbs everywhere) and was just playing nicely in the play room all by himself.  Amazing for him.

Rob took Ellis to school in the morning, and as usual he likes to leave everything to the very last minute.  Well, today he left it that little bit too long and the class room door was shut when he arrived.  This means you have to take the walk of shame around the building to the office and sign them in there.  Luckily the front desk was busy and he was able to sneak him in through the hall and a friend who was helping out that day said she would mark the register. Phew!

I took Leo to school then went to my Mum's for lunch, followed by some shopping.  That was all I had time for as I had to get back to pick him up again.

We stayed and played after picking Ellis up. We stayed until we were the last ones there, playing with a ball in the football area.  I have so much fun with them there and they love it.  It's great for Leo too as he will go to that school next year so he will already feel comfortable about most things, I'm hoping anyway.  I just hope they don't get bored if we stay there too long, too often.

I can't believe Leo will soon be 3 or that he will start school next year.  It really does make me quite sad.

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