Anyway, today has been good. It didn't start too well and I was very grumpy with the boys and ended up apologising to them as I was just getting it all wrong. As it happened we were ready for school about 20 minutes before we needed to leave. I didn't like it. I would rather be rushing out the door and just making it.
Leo did really well at Steve's gym class and loved going under the cargo net and posting some coloured balls down a tube.
Mummy friends Naomi and Charlotte were over this morning with their babies. I managed to get both my babies into bed so I was able to sit and have a chat which was nice. I did pop up the shop to buy a newspaper as there was supposed to be pictures in there of our children. But none of our schools participated for some reason.
This afternoon my Mum came over to watch the boys so that Rob and I could go to Ellis' school to meet his teachers. We got to see his learning diary too which was excellent. The teachers both said he was doing really well, had settled in easily, had made friends, was happy to do anything, was a very busy boy, happy to work in a group or on his own and knows what he likes to do. They said he is doing very well with the phonic sounds and with blending the sounds to make words and they really liked that he likes to try and write, which apparently a lot of boys don't have too much interest in. The only thing they said he needs to work on is knowing who is boss. He always likes to have the last word and I think talks back too much and doesn't always do as he is told. They reminded me that he is still very young though and not to worry about it. Yeh right!
I've had a headache since the appointment. I'm really doing my head in about how to rectify the issues, even though I should just be really happy that he is doing so well. I don't want him to be naughty, and I want the teachers to like him and enjoy teaching him. I will be asking for updates as the next parents evening isn't until March.
Rob did bath time, for all 3 of the boys, on his own, for the first time this evening. I think he did rather well, as there wasn't that much screaming and the boys were cleaned and dressed when I took Oscar down for a feed. He can do it more often now! It was excellent to clear up and get organised for tomorrow before the boys were even in bed. I had a shower, washed and straightened my hair, before and after pictures from Rob's phone are below, then did some blogging while listening to Britney Spears Femme Fatale.
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