My Dad pointed out that the boys appear to be running in the middle of the road. I just wanted to reassure everyone that cars are not allowed on site, work vehicles go the speed of snails and to be honest there wasn't very many bikes either. The main bit for bikes was a wooden walk way down to the lake which was quite narrow and busy. So don't worry, the boys were fine.
So, anyway, our 3rd day started off with Rob doing breakfast and I got up at 10am and did the usual sorting the place out and packing bags for the day.
We knew there were lots of different things we could do on the site but that we really should have booked in advance. We decided to walk to the plaza and see if there was anything we could book the kids into. The only thing they had left was some messy play for the following day which we thought would break up the swimming and walking anyway. Plus Leo doesn't get to do too much messy play so I thought it would be nice for him to do it.
We eventually found some lunch to buy (another lesson learned, do a packed lunch!) and we sat on some tables outside the swimming area to eat.
Swimming time again, until about 5pm! I got to have a go on the flumes and rapids which was great but would have been lush to have done it with Rob. Maybe next year we will go with someone else to help us out a bit, especially as Oscar will be moving around and wanting to do more than just feeding and snoozing. I can't even begin to imagine it yet.
Leo fell asleep on my lap so I wrapped him up in towels and he slept by the side of the pool which was really cute. Oscar on the other hand was not a happy bunny. He wasn't feeding well or sleeping so was a bit cranky with me. I should have brought his chair with us which he would have slept in. Yet another lesson learned for next time. Everyone just brings all their stuff for like a day at the beach. Towels, food, cameras, books, drinks, clothes etc.
We walked back to the lodge in the rain. Luckily we were very prepared for horrid weather which was a bit strange as the week before had been really hot and sunny but I made sure we took everything, plus I really wanted a go with my new wellies ;o)
We weren't going to eat out and takeaway was really expensive so I cooked our favourite, spag bog for dinner.
Then we bathed the kids for the first time. Ellis was surprised to see that they had the same toys and bath mat as we have at home! So cute! Bless him. We put the jacuzzi and light on in the bath at one point and Ellis was so surprised he jumped up. Leo was okay to start with but soon started crying saying he didn't like it.
Story time was done by daddy and I took this picture on my phone without the cover on the camera lens and I worked out that all my phone pictures have been really rubbish as the cover is very scratched! Rob said he would order me a new one when we got home.
Ellis was zonked and went straight to sleep but Leo was up chatting until 8:40pm. He was in bed but just chatting away.
Oscar was in bed by 10pm and Rob and I used our laptops in the living room. You get free wireless in the lodge but it was as fast as dial up! My mobile wasn't any good either as I had either one bar signal, or none! I felt a little isolated but then I think that's the point really.
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