No Mum to help me on Wednesday this week. It was okay though. I took Ellis to school, did Leo's music class then went home for food and Leo's nap.
I had to wake Leo up to go and pick Ellis up and we then went straight to Sainsbury's to do some food shopping.
I then dropped Ellis off at his music class and went and bought him some new trainers to wear to preschool as his others were too small and had holes in the bottom.
I sat in Sainbury's cafe feeding and trying to keep Leo occupied with snacks etc. Tricky because he usually throws it all on the floor.
In the afternoon Oscar decided to do this!
Oscar sucks his left thumb just like his older brothers. (He does now suck the other one, not sure when that changed but it's now 24th June and he has been doing it for a long time.)
I ran the bath as usual and I always make sure it isn't running hot so just in case one of the boys decide to touch the water, they won't get burned. So, I went to get the pyjamas ready and when I got back, Leo, for the first time, had climbed into the bath and was sat quite happily playing with the toys in his t-shirt and nappy! It was really funny and cute.
We chilled out in the morning of the 12th May, sending pictures to Daddy.
We dropped Leo at Sophie's house on the way to Ellis' swimming lesson and then when we came back to pick him up we ended up staying. We stayed for ages and the kids all ate together and had fun playing in the garden.
I got home, bathed the boys and put them to bed, Oscar not going down until 9pm. Rob was home but went out with my Dad to see a show called Uncaged Monkeys - a night of science and wonder. You can read about it here.
I spent my evening looking on eBay and Netmums which I have now become addicted to.
The following day Oscar was having a growing day and just fed and fed and fed. I think Leo was feeling left out as I couldn't give him any cuddles but he settled for giving love to his baby brother. He is pretty good with him and loves showering him in kisses and cuddles but sometimes he can get a bit over zealous.
When did Leo become a little boy and not my baby any more!?
His hair is growing lovely and I intend to let it grow a bit more into what was/is called a pageboy cut, apparently, according to our hair dresser.
After picking Ellis up from school we walked to the park to use up some time and energy, which worked really well as Ellis was shattered
Oscar went to bed at 9pm and I was eager to get on with some blogging but Blogger was down! Just my luck. I ended up ordering Chinese food and chilling in front of the TV.
Oscar woke at 1am, 4am and then 7am so I woke up quite tired and groggy the following day.
Saturday morning Rob had Ellis and Leo and I went into town shopping with my Mum. I really needed some clothes to use for the time being until I manage to eat better and slim down into my usual clothes.
We had such a lovely time. Oscar was so good. He slept for most of the time we were shopping. We stopped for lunch in Marks & Spencer and I changed and fed him there before we carried on doing more shopping. He didn't make a sound and soon went back off to sleep. I think the feeding day before helped out.
I had to get home by 4pm as Rob had to pop out to pick up some stuff I had bought on eBay, which the boys played on for a bit.
The boys stayed up quite late and Ellis even helped Daddy out in the garden.
Sunday morning we pottered about, Rob went and collected some more toys for the garden and Oscar had his first go in a high chair.
Oscar is growing fast and is big like Ellis was as a baby. I can already tell that he will be in the next sized up clothes than he should be. I know that doesn't really make sense, but basically when he is 3 months old, he should be in 3-6 month clothes but I'm sure I will need to use 6-9 months.
In the afternoon we had a BBQ with Simon, Tilly, Ethan, Noah, Wayne, Nic, Ella and Harry. We all had a lovely time catching up, watching the kids play and eating. I didn't take any pictures or videos as I was too busy sorting food etc.
Everyone left by 6:30 so we had time to bath the boys. I hadn't taken any pictures of bath time for a while and Rob was messing with Leo's hair so I grabbed the camera.
Blogging very late as usual but I feel like I'm making progress at the moment. Done quite a lot recently but I'm trying to keep it short so that I can get through it all. Plus I can't really remember everything that went on anyway. I've written very few notes on it and only have pictures and videos to go by. I know I still have so much more to do.
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