Half term week started on 30th May so I knew I had to try and plan to do some things with the boys.
The first day was a bank holiday so Rob was home. He decided he wanted to spend the day cleaning the kitchen with his head phones on learning about computer stuff.
Leo hadn't opened one of his presents from the day before so the boys opened it and then played with it for ages.
Oscar spent his morning trying out new things, like grabbing toys and putting them in his mouth, clever boy.
So I spent the whole day trying to occupy the boys in the living room. They slept in a little bit so we had a later start than normal which was great after such a busy weekend. Then we sat watching Toy Story 3, Tangled and Peter Pan.
Lunch for the day were left overs from the day before.
The boys messed around with the camera.
That was it! I didn't bother bathing them and they were tucked up by 7pm. Oscar finally went to bed at 9pm and then slept through to 6:30am and then on to 9am!
Ellis had cuddles with him once he was up.
The boys messed around in the play room first thing while I sorted a few things out. We did have lots of fun though playing shops, colouring, making dens and racing. Ellis had a go on my laptop once Leo was in his bed for a nap.
In the afternoon we went to meet up with the Mummy group at the soft play. I love it there as Ellis and Leo take off and have fun and I actually get to sit and chat to my friends. This will all change when Oscar is of an age where he wants to move around, like William, as Sally had to go off and sit with him in with the toys. I remember doing that with Leo, and I used to look over at everyone chatting and drinking tea feeling a bit left out.
The boys had dinner at the soft play place so we just went home for bath and bed which is great!