The weekend actually started on the Thursday evening when I went to Nick's (the hen) to stay over as we had an early train to catch.
On the way to Nick's I picked up Karen which was nice as we chatted all the way. The weather was really bad! I couldn't believe how stormy it was considering all the good weather we had had. We just hoped that it didn't stay that way while we were away.
At Nick's we did a bit of pampering and had a nice cuppa. I wanted to have a shower before bed and I was offered a shower cap! I have never worn one before so thought I would give it a go.
Kinda cute huh?
Anyway, Karen and I slept in the play room on a bit of sponge in sleeping bags. I could not go to sleep for ages and I kept waking up all through the night. I think I was just too excited and worried about missing my alarm.
I didn't need my alarm in the end as, like I said, I couldn't really sleep. We were all up nice and early and into our first outfit which was fame/80's. This picture I took at home when I did a practice.
We had a lift to the station by my brother Mark and everyone was already there. We didn't have to wait long until we were on the train.
Nick's sister Tilly soon handed out an Itinerary for the trip which was wicked! We played lots of games and ate and drank tons too.
We played a couple of quizzes then we were given some play doh to make a body part. I made a foot, Karen made a hand, Nick made another foot etc. The idea was to put all the parts together to make a person. Put together it looked hilarious but can't post the photo on here because of the naughty parts.
We had croissants with buck fizz, Pimms and peanuts, wine, cheese & crackers. It was such good fun.
We did have to change trains twice and the journey did take a very long time but thankfully all the games, food and drink helped it to pass quite quickly.
At Brighton Station we were told by a bus driver that our hotel was about 100 yards away. Even as a crow flies it must have been a mile! We all hauled our luggage to the hotel which took forever and we were all very sweaty, achy and tired by the time we made it but had no time to sit and rest. We dropped our bags off in our room and then we had to go to our first activity.
We had 3 activities and they were all surprises for us, arranged by the hen and her sister.
We were told that the first activity was quite close to the station and seeing as we knew how far away that was, we decided to catch the bus which was a great idea.
On our way to the bus stop we found another form of transport that Karen really wanted to use. Unfortunately she caught her beaded necklace on the handle and as she stood up, beads went everywhere!
We were about to enter a fitness first gym for what I thought was pole dancing lessons, when my phone rang. It was Rob, not too happy that I hadn't phoned him yet, but there really just hadn't been a very good opportunity. Even this time was bad but I spoke to Ellis for 2 seconds who cried at me and told me to come home now. I was sad and thought about him loads while doing my activity.
The activity turned out to be cheer-leading, taught by a girl from Pineapple Studios. It was a great laugh and I loved it. I was told a couple of times that I seemed to pick it up quite quickly and that I remembered it well. It was hard going though as we'd already had a long day.
I manged to get a little bit of video but it didn't get me or Karen in the frame. Nick recorded some on her camera, then put them on the internet so here are the links and my video.
Afterwards, we sat in a bar opposite the gym for a few beers before we found a Wetherspoon's to have some food. We were all sat chilling when we realised that time was passing by and we still needed to get back and changed before heading back out for the night.
At the hotel 5 of us were sharing a room - Karen, Laura, Tracey, Diane and I. All 5 of us wanted to shower, use the mirrors, power sockets etc. and I thought it would be quite hard but it wasn't. We all got on really well and we were all ready on time. The theme for the night was bed-time wear. My handbag for the evening was a hot water bottle cover. I can also highly recommend slippers as foot wear for a night out. My feet were so happy!
When we were all ready we went up to Nick and Tilly's room where Nicky was forced to wear a veil, much to her displeasure.
She soon got over it though.
They had a lovely room with a balcony and view of the sea.
It was then time for some more walking down into town.
The night was filled with drinking, laughter, dancing and generally messing around. Good times.
We crashed into bed but I couldn't go to sleep as I was buzzing. Laura had no such trouble and was snooring away. I did video her of course but you can't see anything so I didn't bother to post it.
To get myself sleepy I read my book for a bit and I was soon snoozing away.
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