This morning was an early start after an eventful night. I was shattered and could hardly get my eyes open to walk down the stairs. I also knew that I had a very busy day ahead and that I wouldn't be going back to bed for a long time.
As Leo woke up early he went down for a nap early but we ended up running late for our meeting with the AB group of Mummies. We had planned just a little get together with some food for the kids and fancy dress if you wanted. Well of course my boys got to use their outfits again which is great as I really am getting my moneys worth.
We started off playing downstairs...
...then moved upstairs to have a little picnic. It was great fun and the children were all really excited.
Leo had his first close encounter with a little dog and he didn't seem all that impressed.
We had to leave before 2pm as I had a physio appointment which actually ended up being cancelled! So, I put the boys to bed, and got on with my cooking for Leo. I was only going to do one dish but ended up doing 2. The boys were sleeping well and I was getting on with the cooking so I decided against meeting my Mummy friends for the afternoon. I love them dearly but I really needed to get the food sorted out so that I could feel less stressed about it. I didn't stop all afternoon.
Leo woke from his nap with a very red, runny eye. I phoned the doctors and they prescribed some drops which I could pick up straight away. So at 5pm I took the boys out into the cold drizzle, bundled them into the car and off we went. I had to pick up the prescription and then go to Sainsbury's to collect it. I hate having to wait as I always go off and spend more money on stuff I don't need. I bought Leo a new sleeping bag, some grows, something for Rob's stocking and dinner for Ellis as I was seriously running short on time.
Got home at 5:45pm and straight away put Ellis' food on and fed Leo. A short stint of TV watching was followed by the bath and bed routine.
The routine went quite well tonight until I went to put a sleepy Leo in his bed, as my phone started to ring! It was Rob trying to check in with us and I normally have the phone on silent. Of course Leo woke up sharply and wasn't impressed. He screamed through my story time with Ellis and in between books I had to go in and see him. I then went in and out 3 more times. An hour later he was still screaming but I had a quick shower and when I got out he was quiet. Silly, silly Mummy.
My plan for this evening was to do a quick blog entry and then wrap some of my presents. So far I have had dinner, drank a cold tea, typed a long blog and that's it. Will try and do an hour of wrapping and be in bed by 10:15pm at the very latest!
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