Monday, 28 September 2009

4 Months Old

A bit late I know but Leo was 4 months old on the 26th so I took some pictures of him. He has a bad cold so he has bags under his eyes but I still think he looks well cute.



The weekend wasn't that busy. We didn't even make it out of the house until 4pm on Saturday and all we did was bought Ellis some new boots for the winter, some clothes for Rob and a few other bits.

Ellis slept in on Sunday which wasn't a surprise seeing as he didn't go to bed until gone 8pm which is very late for him. Then again we didn't go out until 3:30pm. We just took a walk to the park, went into Sainsbury's and then came home again.

Here are some pictures and videos from the weekend. I couldn't decide which picture I liked best of me with my boys so I posted a few.

At the park we tried to let Ellis have a go at peddling on his own. It didn't work.

Chilling at home.

Yesterday everyone was feeling under the weather. Ellis had a temperature and Leo and I were struggling with our head colds.

Leo spent a lot of time feeding and snoozing and I tried to video him having dreams but I didn't manage to get much.

Ellis was in the kitchen drawing when I heard him say, "look Mummy, it says Mummy!" I went to see what he was talking about.

I often write his name, Leo's, Mummy, Daddy, Nanny and Grandad and we try to do the sounds of the letters. I'm sure it's just pot luck but on a good day you can ask him to point to a certain name and he 9 times out of 10 does it correctly.

Leo will soon be being weaned so I got Rob to get the high chair out of the loft on the weekend so that I could fit the new cover and get it cleaned. Ellis had a go and I couldn't believe the difference in size from when he used to use it.

We stayed in all day which was boring but had to be done as Ellis just wasn't up to doing anything.

I will post about what happened today, another day as I am so tired my eyes aren't working properly.

Sorry for the poor entry again, just don't have the time or energy at the moment.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

First Tooth!

I had wanted to plan to do something adventurous for a day out today but after going to bed late and Leo keeping me up a lot in the night, I was just too tired for it all this morning.

Sally and Anna were going to a new soft play centre in the area and I had decided to join them. I couldn't tell them we were coming as things were way too frantic here. It was really tough getting out of the door today but luckily as I started to reverse out of the drive Sally and Anna drove by. This was great as it meant I could now follow them.

The new centre was great. It had a really good soft play area, all for under 5's, with a little cafe and an extra room for messy play.

Messy play started at 10:30am so the kids had a run around before going into the little separate room.

Ellis decided to do drawing and to play with the sand, while Anna wanted to play with the glue. So much fun and we didn't have to clear up!

Naomi and Iestyn arrived shortly after we entered the messy play area and the girls helped me to take care of the boys as I had to move my car at one point and change Leo's nappy. I don't know what I was thinking about going on a day out somewhere on my own! I'm sure I could do it but I think I may need to be sectioned at the end of it.

Sarah and Toby also arrived but they couldn't find us at first. Toby wasn't feeling very well so I didn't think it was fair to take pictures of him, although he is usually the best kid to take pictures of.

We all had a cuppa and a chat before going to my Mum's for lunch. It is my sisters 25th birthday so we took her presents up for her too.

We had a lovely lunch and then I popped up to the post office. After topping Leo up we all then went to a big Tesco and Argos to do a bit of shopping. I really want to crack on with the Christmas shopping so I think I need to go out shopping on my own soon.

Back at my Mum and Dad's house, Mum cooked me a huge feast of lamb, vegetables and mash potato. It was delicious and I scoffed the lot. The mash potato was just as I remember it from when I was kid, the best in the world!

Mum bathed the boys straight after dinner and I had a quick shower before helping out a little.

It was a bit of a rush as Mum and Dad were going out for Kate's birthday and I wanted to be out of their hair so they could get ready in time.

Leo as I have previously mentioned is quite a dribbler and he is always chomping on something. Well yesterday, I forgot to mention, I was sure I felt a little tooth under the surface of the gum. Then this morning I had a look and he has in fact got a white dot where the tooth has only just broken through! He is 17 weeks 2 days old!

I got home, put Ellis to bed, changed Leo's wet grow and vest, fed him again and put him in bed too. He went straight to sleep but Ellis was still awake at 8:30pm.

I emptied the car, tidied up and then had a lovely chat with Sally and Anna over the webcam. Very cute.

Tomorrow morning is another early start as we are going to view the local pre-school with Sally and Anna. I'm really excited about it and I so hope Ellis likes it. I will let you know.

Then we have the AB group over here and Big Stars class at 3pm! Wow, busy day coming up, I best get an early night, yeh right!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

That's it!

I managed it eventually! It is actually quite anticlimactic.

My Mum came over first thing this morning to do our small amount of ironing with her huge industrial iron and board. Took her all of 10 minutes. Thanks Mum.

I tried to get the boys to nap at the same time but Leo scratched his face quite badly so didn't want to sleep after that.

My Mum had to attend a funeral this afternoon so couldn't do the usual routine of looking after Ellis while I went to the Jolly Babies class with Leo. My Dad took her place which was wicked as I love to spend a bit of one on one time with Leo. Cheers Dadio.

Dad arrived on time and I walked down to the venue. I had a great time and quickly changed and fed Leo before Dad arrived with Ellis.

Dad held Leo who was sleeping soundly while I played with Ellis. I had fun yet again, probably more than Ellis.

Dad went home after the music classes and we all went to Sainsbury's for a quick drink.

We decided today, well Sally did, that the kids would be okay on chairs not in high chairs. They were up and down like yo-yos! It was quite funny really but I think next time they will be back in high chairs.

I did a bit of shopping and then wanted to march home but Ellis really wanted to walk. Leo was starving so I had to drag Ellis pretty much the whole way back. He seemed to enjoy himself and he didn't stop talking the entire way!

I fed Leo, then Ellis, cleared up and watched a bit of telly before bath time.

I fed Leo and he went to sleep and so I put him in his crib so that I could wash Ellis and do his story in peace. This was until Rob decided to call on the house phone which immediately woke Leo up crying! Nightmare! To be honest, that was the first time I have put Leo down that early so he wasn't to know, didn't make it any less annoying though.

Rob arrived home shortly after the phone call so could help with finishing Ellis off while I topped Leo up and put him back down. It's 9:32pm and he is still asleep, but I have to go and have my shower in a minute which sometimes wakes him up. I'm really looking forward to moving him into his own room so that I can have my room and en suite back. It will be nice when I can go to bed and read.

Not sure what to do tomorrow. Need to have a think and then plan.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Roll Over

We were stuck in the house today waiting for parcels to arrive and only one out of 3 did! I'm not staying in tomorrow so I will probably miss the other 2.

Caroline and Angus came for a visit first thing which was really nice and then we were left on our own.

I decided to try something new, painting, and it seemed to work okay. We definitely need more paints, paintbrushes and other tools which I will go and get soon. I quite enjoyed it and I think Ellis did too. The cleaning up wasn't too hard either. I had an excellent table cloth that I bought before Ellis was even born, that just wiped clean.

I tried to video Leo doing his new trick of rolling but I always seem to miss it. He moved right off his mat at one point today and I found him in the middle of the living room looking around.

He loves his rattle but tends to hit himself in the face with it quite a lot.

The day dragged on and I'm not feeling 100% so it was very hard work, but I managed it and the boys were tucked up in bed by 7:30pm.

Rob has ordered me a Chinese which I am really looking forward to. I just hope that Leo stays asleep so that I can eat it warm this time! So far so good as it is 8:23pm and he hasn't woken up yet. I'm sure I've just jinxed it but ah well.

I have plenty of T.V stuff to watch, as all of my programs that I watch have started again. They are:

CSI Vegas
CSI Miami
Criminal Minds
Grey's Anatomy
So you think you can dance
Americas Next Top Model
Army Wives

I have also recorded a world war 2 documentary which has been really good and I have learned loads. It helps to have Rob close by though so he can explain a few things to me along the way.

Not sure if I have mentioned this or not but we are having problems with our holiday that we booked through Sun Holidays. Basically the camp site didn't have our details and I was supposed to receive a call today about it but didn't. Will call them again tomorrow and hopefully get it sorted out soon.

Leo is stirring as he knows it's nearly 8:30!

Sunday, 20 September 2009



iPhone Pictures

The boys were being so cute on the sofa this morning but it is really hard to get any decent pictures as they are both constantly moving! I did my best but ended up doing a little video instead.

Rob had a lie in today and then after lunch I took the boys out to the park for the afternoon. I tried to take lots of pictures and videos but my batteries died.

A lady gave Ellis a couple of pieces of bread so that he could feed the ducks. I didn't bother taking any myself as I thought the ducks would have had plenty, but they were very hungry for a change.

We had a lovely walk, found a conker that he was really pleased with and then stopped in a little park for him to have a play.

We then watched the waterfall for a bit and I forgot to ask Ellis about going to the toilet and he did a little wee in his pants. I set the potty up and he finished off. I cleaned him up and changed his clothes before putting him in the buggy and walking quickly back to the car.

I popped up to my Mum and Dad's field to see the horses and chickens but I had forgotten my key so couldn't go in. I then went to my Mum and Dad's house to see if they were in so I could pick up a spare key. They were out but we stayed for a while as I needed to feed Leo, Ellis needed a poo and he likes playing with the different toys too.

We went home, had dinner, watched some telly and then it was bath time.

I had expressed a bottle of milk this morning for Leo so Rob tried to give it to him. It wasn't that successful but I managed to get the 5fl oz in him. It wasn't enough though and I ended up feeding him again a bit later on.

Ellis was really good today. I have been up since 6am today though and I am shattered to say the least. I'm just keeping my head down and getting on with it as best I can.

Today I realised that I take quite a few pictures on my iPhone and I haven't really posted them on my blog yet. Below is just a batch upload of some that I like.

My favourite pictures though are a sequence that I took a couple of days ago. Ellis made his doll cry and so he gave her a hug and then he decided to feed her to cheer her up. "Feeding Mummy".

And the rest in no particular order.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I have a busy week ahead.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Sleep Required

Things have been rather tough around here lately. Leo really isn't doing well in the sleep department which means I'm not either and then Ellis is really testing my patience, which I don't have!

I really think Ellis may be ready for pre-school. He is quite a smart little boy and needs constant stimulation during the day which I used to be able to provide. Now I am having to share my time between two boys. I think some of his temper tantrums at the moment are just because he is bored. I am viewing a pre-school on Friday and I am hoping that they have some slots free so that maybe he can start now. It isn't for me, although it will be nice, it's for him.

I've been a bit slack on remembering to take my camera with me recently and also with actually taking any pictures. I'm blaming all my shortcomings at the moment on the lack of any quality sleep.

I managed to remember to take a few of the boys having bath time at Nanny and Grandad Rennolds' house.

I love this picture I took of Leo.

Followed by this one of Ellis.

This morning I was given breakfast in bed again. I could get used to that! Then we went to Sabriel's 4th birthday party. It was held in a church hall and it had some soft play things for Ellis which he seemed to enjoy.

He did play with the balloons quite a bit too which was fun to watch.

They played games, Ellis won pass the parcel and came very close with sticking the nose on the dog.

Other pictures.

Of course there was a lovely cake made by Jaidan and we all sang Happy Birthday.

Once we were home, Ellis went for a nap and I put Leo in the door bouncer for a bit.

After all his bouncing, he had a 5 minute nap on my shoulder.

I let Ellis sleep for an hour and then I took the boys to the park while Rob went back to bed to get some rest.

I got home and gave Ellis his dinner. He played up so I took it away and got him down from the table. I'm sure he wont starve after all the cakes and biscuits he ate today.

Not sure what we are going to do tomorrow. I'm sure I will think of something.

Sorry for the utter lack of content on the blog recently but I just don't have the energy to put into it at the moment. Hopefully be back on form soon.

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