While in hospital I had plenty of visitors to keep me occupied, and I know Leo enjoyed the cuddles.
Home as I knew it for a few days.
Of course I took loads of pictures of my new baby, using the macro mode was my favourite.
It wasn't long before we were packed up and ready to go home, via McDonalds of course.
At home, once Ellis was in bed, we chilled out. We had bought a birthday cake for Leo so had a cup of tea and slice of cake.
Leo has settled in really well at home. He feeds a lot and sleeps a lot. He is quite a windy baby so does cry a bit too. Ellis helps me to calm him down by talking to him.
While Rob was home we tried to have as much family time as possible. We all sat around the table for food together which was very strange but lush! Of course there has been plenty of cuddles and bonding time too.
Leo's first night went well, but I quickly removed his bumper in the crib as he was pulling it down.
The following day I managed to get out of the house for an hour or so, to Charlotte's house where Mummy afternoon was being held. Leo was cuddled so I was able to spend time with Ellis which was really nice.
In the evening my brother Craig, Karen and Charley came over to see us for the first time. Charley was wicked and read to Ellis, which he loved while Karen, and even Craig, had a cuddle.
We bathed Leo that night but I haven't had a chance to video it. It is much, much quicker than the video of us bathing Ellis as we are used to it now. Now it is in, out, dry, dress in about 5 minutes, literally.
Video of Leo in his chair, with toys!
Wednesday was hyper day for Ellis so Mum and I made him walk the long way down to Music with Mummy and back again. He was shattered but we needed to do it as he was just too full of it. I was also shattered and feeling a little sore after such a long walk, and it was hot.
The double buggy hasn't been too bad. Mum and I have enjoyed working out how it all works - not! I think we have it sussed now.
Leo having some wiggle time.
Thursday was hard work. I was feeling a bit wobbly as I call it so wasn't really in the mood for too much. Mum came over with Chloe but they didn't stay long as I think Mum could tell I was feeling a bit frazzled. Chloe had nice cuddles though.
Me chatting to Leo.
Then I turfed Rob and Ellis out to go swimming, just in time for the midwife to arrive. Shortly after she left, Rob and Ellis were home again. Very hectic day but dinner time was nice and relaxed together.
Friday morning, Lucy, Jaimie and Ria popped in for an early visit. It was lovely to see them and I had a really nice natter.
I realised that afternoon that I hadn't taken the 22 month pictures of Ellis so we took him out into the garden to do that.
We then went to Little Stars before coming home and putting on a barbeque for Rob's parents, his brother, Leighton, Jaidan, Sabriel and Jasper. Ellis wrote about this in his entry.
Saturday was chill out day, nothing much happened.
Sunday lunchtime Mum and Dad popped in to say hi and then Rob bathed Leo in the evening. I got some of it on video but it wasn't worth posting.
On the Monday before Rob went back to work, we all went to Ellis' Sing and Sign class. I sat with Ellis and Rob took Leo to Tesco for a few food stuffs. I really enjoyed doing the class and I think Ellis was happy to be back doing something.
We dropped Rob off home before going to Saskia's house to meet up with my yoga group of Mummies and babies. Well, they are toddlers now.
They all bought Leo some lovely gifts and Rachael also bought Ellis a red car and some moisturiser for me. Thanks guys.
In the evening I took Leo to my old yoga group to show him off and to tell my birth story, in an attempt to inspire everyone.
Me and my boys.
Once Rob had returned to work, I tried to get back into a normal routine of taking Ellis out to his groups etc.
The first day without Rob was Mummy afternoon at our house. It went quite well I thought but I was very tired by the time it was finished.
My Mum came over in the evening as Rob was staying away. She gave me a hand to do bath time and just kept me company. It was really nice and she stayed until 10pm which was great.
Mum then came over early on Wednesday to baby sit while I went to the doctors.
The afternoon was the usual routine of going to Music with Mummy, tea in Sainsbury's followed by a bit of shopping and then going home. We drove down that week as Grandad Rennolds said it was going to rain. It didn't.
I messed around with Ellis in the afternoon while Leo slept.
In the evening I went to see my Active Birthing group for the last time. I had an amazing time. Loads of people turned up and there were other new babies too. We all talked about our birth stories which was great fun.
Vivien was kind enough to buy me a birthday cake which she thought was hilarious! She had said that if Leo was born on my birthday, that I would end up eating Thomas The Tank Engine cake for the rest of my life. They all sang happy birthday and we ate cake, drank tea and chatted for hours. It was brilliant.
I was very tired on Thursday as Leo had been up a lot in the night, so I tried to nap in the morning. I had a small photo session messing around with the camera settings again.
Then I had my first real test of getting 2 boys ready and out of the house by a set time. I was sweating by the time I was walking down the road, and I had to double check that I was actually dressed! It was a really big achievement for me and I was well pleased.
We went to the park to meet a friend but she was running late. I had to feed Leo in the park which was really, really hard as Ellis can now open the gates and run off so that was tough going. Thankfully a couple of Mums were really helpful. I was beyond shattered at this point.
The midwife came over in the afternoon and she was running late so didn't leave until dinner time.
Friday morning, I got the pair of them out the house really early and up my Mum's so that Ellis could have his hair cut. He looks like such a big boy now.
Ellis had a really good time playing trains with Kamron and Grandad so we stayed for quite a while.
While Ellis was napping I did a video of Leo playing on the floor.
Once he was up he joined in the fun.
Daddy was home in the afternoon and I took a nice picture of him with his boys.
In the evening, Leo and I went to Sally's house where all my Mummy friends got together for curry and a chat. Leo was crying quite a lot so I ended up feeding him and cuddling him to sleep. I felt sorry for the others as I know they wanted to have cuddles but he just wasn't up for it that night for some reason. He is usually such a chilled out baby so I was a bit disappointed but pleased to have had some cuddles.
Saturday morning my brother Mark, Nicky, Megan and Elin came over for a visit. We hadn't seen them since the beginning of April so it was nice to catch up.
In the afternoon we took some nice pictures of the boys together before we dragged Ellis out for a walk.
He wasn't happy at all and we realised why when half way around Sainsbury's, he puked everywhere! I stripped him off in the middle of the aisle, went to the clothes section and grabbed some stuff before we went to the till and then home. We had walked down though so we had to carry our shopping and the 2 boys all the way home in the sunshine. We were shattered by the time we got back.
Another video of Leo on the floor playing. Sorry there are loads of random videos.
Ellis seemed much better by Sunday morning. He hadn't been ill during the night and manged to eat some breakfast.
I took some more pictures before we got dressed and went to the big shops to take some things back etc.
One of the places we needed to go was the Build a Teddy shop to pick out some clothes for a Teddy that my parents had bought for Leo. Ellis loved it in there and soon found a buggy, with a dog attached, to play with. It was so cute.
We chilled out in the evening and Rob took a nice picture of me with Leo.
Well, I think I will end this entry there and do some more catching up soon as I am fed up with Blogger as it is rubbish! I had uploaded over 20 videos and tons of pictures and they all vanished! I was so upset about it that I couldn't be bothered to put them all back on so there are only a select few on here now. Hope it is okay though.
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