Rob got up with Ellis at about 7am and I was allowed an extra hour in bed.
Once up, I made a small picnic and the boys got ready. We were ready really early but thought if we drove slowly we might arrive at the zoo around 10am which is when we had agreed to meet up with Rob's parents and brother. The truth is, we were just too excited.
As it happened we were there just after 9:30am so gave them a quick call to say we would meet them inside.
We headed straight for the cafe for a cup of tea and didn't have to wait long for everyone to arrive.
We decided to start the tour from where we were, which was half way around the park. First stop was the monkey house. We had our own little monkey so he was strapped into his bag that has a rein attached. It worked really well and Ellis gets to carry his own stuff around too.
We then moved on to the penguins. They were very quiet but Ellis enjoyed watching them clean themselves as they flapped their wings quite a lot and he would copy.
In the same exhibit are the seals, and you get to go under the ground to see them swimming around. Rob tried hard to capture a photo but it was very difficult.
We had a quick look at the pygmy hippos, okapis and monkey island (which had more birds on it than monkeys) and moved on to have a look at the meerkats.
Right by the meerkats was a board that you stick your head through and take a photo. They are dotted around the zoo and I think we did all of them.
Then we walked to the butterfly house, via the prairie dog enclosure.
The butterflies were amazing but with the damp atmosphere it was hard to take pictures as the lens kept steaming up. Rob managed to get a couple of good ones though.
The timing was then perfect to walk back to the main lawn to set up our picnic.
While I was getting everything ready, Ellis had a quick run around.
We were very lucky to have lunch and a show at the same time. The best bit was when the parrot was allowed to fly around our heads. Ellis' face just lit up!
Daddy then took Ellis up to the stage to get a better look at the different animals that were being shown off. I took a few pictures but I was quite far away and there was a buggy in the way.
Rob's Dad is a bit of a gardener so likes to look around at the different plants and trees. I must admit I do enjoy looking at beautiful flowers and especially taking pictures of them.
The main lawn is back by the centre of the zoo so we were ready to start the second half after a quick loo stop.
First we went in to see all the bugs and creepy crawlies before going into the aquarium and the reptile house.
The aquarium is in much need of refurbishment so we left feeling rather disappointed. Ellis on the other hand is fascinated by fish so loved every minute.
The reptile house was a bit better. It was very humid and there were a lot of people in there too. We managed to get some good pictures though but didn't stay long.
We walked past some very old tortoises and through the fruit bat enclosure. It can be quite scary but Rob and I encountered a huge colony when we were in Australia, so one lonely bat wasn't that big a deal.
The nocturnal animal house was next and it was really, really dark obviously. It was also really busy so Rob zoomed through with Ellis in his buggy and I kind of stumbled my way around until finding the exit, protecting my bump all the way.
On the way out is a mock up of a house containing different animals that you might find in and around the home. Obviously there were spiders, mice, rats, bees, beetles etc. but Ellis loved watching the rats running around.
We did, at one point, catch him trying to kiss the black widow spider! It was very odd to think he was a few centimetres away from something that could quite easily kill him.
During the day, because it was Easter Sunday, we had been collecting stamps on a piece of paper for different egg laying animals. I had managed to collect all of the required stamps so took Ellis to the activity centre to pick up his prize.
We waited in line and he received a badge, stamp on his hand and a Cadbury's cream egg. Of course I helped him out with the chocolate egg.
We all had a sit down after that and the smell from the barbecue was just too much for us. We sat on a bench and munched away at our hot dogs and it was only 2pm.
The Georges
We were all feeling rather tired by now and had left the best until last. The lion! Ellis seemed rather excited but did start to go on about the ducks that he could see on a pond across from the exhibit.
That was it after that. We walked through the shop and Nanny George picked up a plate and bowl for Ellis' Easter present and then we were out the exit. I think it might have been about 10, no 11 seconds later, that our little soldier who had been going since before 6am was out for the count.
I carried him back to the car and he didn't wake up when put into his car seat.
We said our goodbyes and then went a very scenic route home thanks to my hubby.
When we eventually arrived home, we tried to put Ellis in bed to continue his nap but it lasted all of 5 minutes. Rob on the other hand was sound asleep for over an hour.
Rob put the dinner on when he came downstairs and I had a lie down on the sofa.
After dinner, Ellis was allowed to tuck into his Easter egg. He made a right old mess but I think he enjoyed himself.
This is what we received for Easter.
Rob went out in the evening and I bathed and put Ellis to bed. He was still chatting away an hour later as I think he was just over tired. He had red eyes when I put him to bed so I thought he would just go straight off. Hopefully he will sleep in a bit tomorrow but we have another busy day planned so I'd better go and get some sleep too.
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