Sunday we went to Ria's Christening. I was rather well behaved I thought and sat nicely reading books until it was time to go to the after party and have some grub.
I had tons of fun playing with toys and all the other children. Mummy, Daddy, Nanny or Grandad followed me around to make sure I was okay.
For some reason, Mummy didn't take any pictures or videos of the day! Very unlike her. I think she was just tired and hot.
After the party, Daddy needed to do some work on Grandad's computers so we went up to their house for a bit.
I really needed a nap but wouldn't go in the travel cot, so Grandad let me use his lap instead.
We went home late and I was actually in the car, while it was dark! That seems like a strange thing to say but I am always in the bath at 6:30pm so I am inside when it goes dark. Mummy and Daddy thought I would go to sleep on the way back but I was too busy watching the lights to sleep.
Monday morning we went to sing and sign and then not long after we returned home, we received some visitors.
Deborah, Evan and baby Thomas came to see us which was really nice. I had loads of fun following Evan around and playing with all my toys.
Thomas did his first giggle at our house and we managed to capture some of them on video.
We all had lunch together and then when I was in bed, they went home.
Tuesday morning was my last Jolly Babies group as I will be moving up to the Music with Mummy class that starts in a couple of weeks time. We are also going to be going on a Wednesday now and not a Tuesday.
For the last class of every half term, Debs blows some bubbles at us. It is really good fun and I think Ella liked it too.
We went home for lunch and then in the afternoon Sally and Anna came over for Mummy afternoon.
Wednesday morning, Mummy decided to take some pictures of me. Here are a few of her favourites.
Mummy then spent her time in the kitchen cooking food for me and just generally pottering around the house.
In the afternoon we went up to see Nanny Rennolds who wasn't feeling very well.
I pulled things out of the kitchen cupboards and generally caused havoc that Mummy had to go around clearing up. It was good fun though.
Daddy did the bath and bed routine as Mummy goes out early to her line dancing lessons.
Thursday was a really boring day. We stayed in all day and I slept loads so that Mummy could have a rest. That was about it.
Friday morning Mummy allowed me to feed myself. I had great fun trying to fit some Weetabix in my mouth, using hands and spoons. There was a huge amount of mess but Mummy didn't seem to mind. In fact she did a lot of praising me so perhaps I need to make more mess, more often!
Mummy stayed in the kitchen to clean up and I was put into the living room. I am very clingy to Mummy at the moment and I make this know by standing at the gate screaming at her until she comes to join me. I think I am getting on her nerves but it does work.
We didn't make it to swimming as we had to wait in for a delivery. It arrived just after 11am.
Luckily Charlotte and Faith popped in to keep us company and I had a lovely time playing with Faith's new pink boots.
After lunch, I went back to bed at 1pm as I hadn't had a morning nap. Mummy put me down early so that I could get as much sleep as possible before we had to leave for Twinkling Stars.
While I was sleeping, Mummy sat eating fairy cakes and blogging.
Twinkling Stars was really, really good. They used the parachute again and I wasn't scared this time. We all laid on the floor and it was pulled over us which was excellent. We also used this huge beach ball to roll around on top of it and it was so funny.
I went through the tunnel twice! Once because I was forced to and once on my own. Mummy was so proud of me.
The rest of the time was spent messing around with my friends.
I fed myself my dinner and then Mummy and Daddy bathed me.
Mummy was out again! She has been out Wednesday night, Thursday night and now Friday night. Think I heard that she is out again tomorrow night. I don't think Daddy minds too much as he gets to use the PC and gets some peace and quiet.
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