Again I took the bottle feeding into my own hands which Mum praised me for so I must be doing something right.
I had another go on my mat today but this time I had lights and music. It kept me occupied for all of 2 minutes.
At about 10:30 all my friends that I have met in my ante natal and post natal groups turned up. We had tea, coffee, biscuits and of course lots of milk. Mummy took some fun pictures of us lounging around and some of us holding hands!
Iestyn, me and Toby
Anna and Iestyn holding hands - ooh er mrs!
Me, Toby and Sophie
Clockwise, starting with me of course, there is me, Faith, Iestyn, Anna, Sophie and Toby.
Charlotte and Faith stayed for lunch and then we all walked down to the shops to get some eye drops for me as I have an eye infection. Mummy carried me in the sling and put my new hat on. I love it!
In the evening Daddy went to give blood and didn't get back in time to have his pizza hot, plus I was getting moody as I wanted my bath and bed so he had to eat it whilst standing up in the kitchen helping Mummy. Oh dear better luck tomorrow.
I was put in a new baby grow today which is way too big but I have grown out of my other ones. I will grow into it I'm sure. I also have a different sleeping bag too. Picture to follow.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Nanny thinks the feeding himself is amazing, what a clever baby; but we know he's that anyway. Runs in the family.... he he x x