Ellis doesn't find it amusing either.
We are slowly settling in to the new house and Leo has found a new seat to watch the telly from. It does mean though that he ends up bonking Ellis on the head constantly.
On Saturday the 18th we ventured out to find the local park that we had been told was pretty good. After a short walk we found it and was very pleasantly surprised.
Giving the boys soup is never a good idea but it is great for getting vegetables into Ellis. Leo is not interested and as witnessed in a previous video, just throws it on the floor.
For Mummy afternoon on 21st September we went back to our local park. We didn't stay there very long but we all seemed to have a good time.
That evening I went out with Lucy, Angela and my sister Katie, to celebrate her 26th birthday. We went out for a curry which was very very yummy.
Our waiter had a nick name very similar to mine so of course I had to take a picture.
We had a brilliant time and the evening was over before you could say poppadom. Would definitely go back to that restaurant. Hint, hint hubby.
We recently had to have some work done on the house. They told me that it would be liveable but after returning to the house from dropping Ellis off at pre-school I quickly realised that it might be for one person on their own but not for me and the boys so I quickly packed the car up with loads of our junk and went to my Mum and Dad's house with the intention of staying over.
The kids just took it in their stride and weren't phased by it at all. Leo went to bed fine and Ellis followed shortly after. I shared a bed with Ellis, Leo had the spare room and Mum usually kicks Dad out of bed for snoring so he ended up sleeping on the floor of the living room. Thanks Dad. X
Leo woke in the night but he had been doing that for a few nights previous anyway. I went in and cuddled him and he went back off straight away which actually surprised me a little.
I barely slept the first night. Ellis just kept fidgeting and I was scared to move in case I woke him up, plus if I touched him he didn't like it and moved over so I was worried he would fall out of bed.
The boys woke up just after 6:30am and I kept them in my room until 7 before going down for breakfast.
I hadn't told Ellis where Grandad would be but he soon found him. A bit earlier than he would have liked I'm sure.
We chilled out in the morning, then I took the boys swimming in the afternoon. I don't take the buggy in with me any more so I let Leo walk and I asked Ellis if he would hold his hand and look after him for me, which he did. I took some pictures and I couldn't pick my favourite so I've posted them all.
They had a brilliant time swimming. They were both really good and Leo went under loads of times and didn't mind. He kept doing it so obviously wasn't that bothered.
That night the boys stayed with Nanny and Grandad, asleep for the most part, and I went to a committee meeting. I've joined the committee for Ellis' pre-school so that I can have some more insight into what actually happens there and to hopefully help out a bit etc. It's also a chance to do something different with my time.
I was voted on as a member and then we discussed various issues for over an hour. They usually go to the pub after and I was going to join them but it was just getting a bit too late so I went back to my parents to use my laptop for a bit before joining Mr Fidgetass in bed.
The second night was better and Leo slept through which was ace, and I managed to keep Ellis in the kitchen a little while longer than the day before so Grandad got a bit more sleep too.
Ellis had pre-school that day so I rushed around to get everything ready and had to leave earlier as it was further away.
Friday 24th was my sister's birthday so Ellis, Nanny and I phoned her to sing happy birthday which was very cute.
After dropping Ellis off I went back to Mum's and Leo had a nap before we then met up with Katie and Kamron for a McDonalds. It was lush and I hadn't had one for ages.
We then went into the pet store next door and Leo had so much fun. He ran around with Kamron, kissed the fishtanks and even tried out a rabbit hutch.
I then zoomed off to pick Ellis up from school to then go to soft play to meet up with my Mummy friends. It was a bit too much for Ellis I think as he was very tired and groggy on the way back to Nanny and Grandad's house.
Kate went out in the evening for her birthday so Mum and Dad were babysitting. My boys were in bed before they arrived and I just sat in the living room with Mum using my laptop with headphones on. Dad on the other hand sat in the other living room playing with Kamron.
Chloe eventually fell asleep on the sofa and Kamron slept a bit but woke up really really early, 5am I think.
Rob worked really late that night but still drove home. I left the keys out for him and he picked them up before going back to the house for some sleep.
Me and the boys joined Grandad and the cousins in the morning which was really nice. It felt Christmassy.
The idea for the day was that Rob was going to clean the boys rooms and the living room so that we could come home that day. Unfortunately he didn't get done what he wanted so we ended up staying at Nanny and Grandad's house for another night. Rob came up to see the boys in the evening and then we both went back to the house to get some cleaning done.
On Sunday 26th, we finally went back home. The house wasn't done but I needed to get back so it would have to be good enough. The boys room's were done so that was the main thing.
I tired to take some monthly pictures of Leo but it is pretty much impossible unless he is asleep or tied down.
The boys were bathed and put back into their own clean beds.
Thanks Mum and Dad for having us for so long. It really, really helped and the boys loved it! xxx