Tuesday, 30 September 2008
I had a really long nap in the morning and Mummy had to wake me up just gone 11am as we had to go to Jolly Babies.
At the class, Mummy had cuddles with Ella and she gave her lots of smiles. It was really cute.
We did loads of singing, dancing and playing with instruments and Mummy was shattered by the time we got home.
We had lunch and played for a bit before I went back to bed.
By 3pm, Mummy thought I had had enough sleep and came to wake me up.
We went to Sharon and Sophie's house for Mummy afternoon and it was only us there this week.
The Mummies ate cake and biscuits and I played with all of Sophie's toys.
We arrived home at 5pm and Mummy put dinner on straight away.
While Mummy wasn't looking, I decided to have a little explore.
Mummy had her dinner and then she sat with me for 40 minutes just reading! It was excellent and I loved it.
Bath time was good too. We played lots of games and did lots of splashing.
I had a nice cuddle with some milk before going to bed, again.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Big Park
From there we went straight up to Nanny and Grandad Rennolds' house.
I had my lunch and played lots before we all got in the car and went to this really, really big park area.
There was a really good view from the car park.
We all then set off for a walk with Auntie Katie's dogs, Tyler and Otis.
Tyler and Otis were running around like crazy so we found them some water to cool off in.
We then went for a nice walk and Nanny stopped to talk to a police officer.
We had a nice little picnic too before we bumped into a field of deer. They were amazing! Mummy took pics and videos and we watched them for ages.
On the way back to the car, the dogs were tired enough for Chloe to lead Tyler. It looked so cute!
I eventually fell asleep in the car on the way back to Nanny's and Mummy transferred me to the sofa for a bit more of a snooze.
I woke up close to 5pm so Mummy decided to stay for dinner too. It was really nice as I sat in my high chair, by Grandad eating his dinner. I had a really nice time.
Nanny read to me loads and I loved it. I showed off my skills and we had lots of fun.
Mummy and I were home in time for Daddy to see me just before he went out to do some work and I went upstairs for my bath.
Mummy sat me on the potty like she normally does and this time I did a poo! She was so excited, it was very funny to watch. Obviously a picture was taken but I wont post it, for obvious reasons.
Mummy gave me my milk, cut my finger nails and put me into bed. I wasn't sleep at all and spent an hour chatting and playing before finally going off.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Nice Walk
Mummy made Daddy stop at the side of the road so that we could all get out to see a cool animal.
It took us a while to find this place that Mummy knew about and by the time we arrived, I was asleep.
Mummy and Daddy tucked into an ice-cream each while I dozed in the car.
I was then put into my buggy and I woke up just as we were starting our walk.
It was quite busy. There were loads of people, children and dogs. We also managed to stop and have a look at some ducks and a waterfall.
We walked for ages and ages but we stopped regularly to have a rest and to just watch what other people were doing.
We went home after and had dinner. Mummy and Daddy were naughty and got a take-away.
Daddy then bathed me while Mummy pottered downstairs.
Sunday was quite boring. We popped out to pick up a McDonalds, but other than that, Mummy and I just did what we normally do, played on the living room floor.
Daddy spent his time pottering about with his car. He was cleaning, t-cutting and just doing general maintenance.
Mummy bathed me and put me to bed.
Friday, 26 September 2008
On our way home from the shops we bumped into Anna and her Dad, Nick. We had a quick chat and shook hands, before going home.
Daddy didn't make it home until late so I didn't get to see him and Mummy didn't get to go to yoga.
Friday morning we went swimming. I loved it. Charlotte and Faith were there and we had the whole pool to ourselves. We swam around, jumped in and splashed each other.
After lunch I was put down for a nap but I didn't want to sleep so Mummy brought me back downstairs.
We went to Twinkling Stars at 3pm and I had a wicked time playing with loads of different things. I am getting better at walking and I climbed the stairs very easily.
On our way home I became a bit sleepy but I didn't actually go to sleep. I played for a little bit before dinner time.
Sat in my highchair nibbling at my toast, I suddenly realised that I was very tired. Mummy managed to keep me awake.
Mummy entertained me until 6:30pm but I was getting a bit cranky by then.
I had a lovely bath, bottle of milk, with my eyes closed, and I was then put into bed.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Auntie Kate is 24
We had some breakfast and then I played with Mummy for a bit before going for my morning nap.
I woke up an hour later with a temperature and not feeling very happy.
We were supposed to get my hair cut today but instead we just popped into Boots and then went to see Nanny, Grandad and Auntie Katie.
We gave Auntie Kate her card and present and I gave her some nice cuddles too. Mummy had bought a very similar card as Nanny, as well as the same gifts! How strange is that?
Mummy and I both had our lunch there and then because I wasn't feeling well we decided to go home.
Just before we left, Kamron arrived from school. Nanny took a few pictures of us and then we left.
I cried in the car on the way home so Mummy knew that I wasn't very happy. She put me straight in bed when we got back but I only stayed there for 45 minutes as I woke up crying again.
I spent the afternoon sitting on Mummy's lap just crying every now and then and just generally feeling hot and under the weather.
Daddy came home and I managed to eat a bit of dinner before Daddy and I stood in the garden watching the birds. I love doing that and the cool air was nice.
I had a quick bath, some more medicine and stuff put on my gums before being put in bed. I hope I don't wake up too much.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
After my nap we went to Jolly Babies. I had a fab time, walking around and jumping about and playing with the drum.
Mummy tried very hard to lift me up for all the songs but still isn't feeling 100% so struggled a bit.
We went straight home for lunch and playtime before my afternoon nap.
I didn't sleep for long and we were soon at Sally and Anna's house for Mummy afternoon.
I wasn't left there this time and Mummy sat with the other Mummies eating doughnuts, biscuits and drinking tea.
I had my snack too.
I then played on the floor with the other babies, who aren't actually babies any more. We are toddlers.
Anna was doing really well with her walking too. She did a few steps between, Sally, Nick and Mummy. Soon we will all be walking around as confident as Faith who has been doing it for a long time now.
We left at 5 and went home for dinner.
I then played and read books with Daddy before Mummy bathed me and put me to bed.
Mummy stole some photos from Wayne and Nic's blog of the wedding that she went to on Saturday. Here they are.
Monday, 22 September 2008
I did really well, even joining in with the signs a couple of times. I did, eat, and wind the bobbin up.
We went into Sainsburys after to pick up a few things and then we went home for lunch.
After lunch I sat up to my table and read my books.
I had a nice long nap in the afternoon and then I played some more before dinner time.
I didn't like my dinner so didn't eat it. Mummy let me have some fruit instead but I didn't eat as much as I usually do.
Mummy and Daddy did my bath and bed routine which was really nice. Busy day tomorrow.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Day with Anna
I had loads of fun playing with the balls from the ball pool and watching Chloe go down the big slide. Kamron spent most of his time throwing balls around. We stayed for about an hour and then went home for lunch.
After lunch we went in the car to the house where Mummy goes for her yoga class. She ran inside, picked something up and then we went straight home again. It took us ages to do the round trip and when we got home, Mummy put me in bed for a nap.
I didn't want to go to sleep so an hour later she gave me a snack and a drink and we then went to our Twinkling Stars class.
I had loads of fun with my friends and just generally messed around. This week I managed to climb the stairs and slide down the slide, head first!
I fell asleep on the way home and I was in put in bed for an hour.
The evening was the normal routine.
Saturday morning, Daddy did the early shift and then straight after my morning nap I was put in the car and taken to Sally and Anna's house by Daddy. Little did I know, that I was to be left behind as he went home. I didn't mind though and when Anna woke up from her nap, I had a really good time playing.
We sat and had our lunch together and messed around for a little bit more before I was put in Anna's bed for a nap. Luckily there wasn't too much pink. I went to sleep straight away.
When I woke from my nap I sat in the high chair and had my snack bar which is really yummy.
We had more playtime before getting in our vehicles and going to the local park for a go on the swings and slide.
After the park we went back to the house for our dinner. I ate it all up like a good boy.
Not long after it was time for a bath. I have no idea, but for some reason I was really scared when I was put in the water. I grabbed at Sally to get me out and after a few splashes she did.
Cosy in our pyjamas, Anna and I sat in the living room after having our milk, cuddling our "doo doos". Anna wanted to try mine for a bit but I didn't let go.
Sally realised that I was falling asleep on the floor so it was best that she took me around to my house to go to bed, so we walked around in about 5 minutes.
I went to bed with no fuss and Uncle Dave turned up to do the night shift.
While I was having fun all day, so was Mummy and Daddy. They went to Simon and Tilly's wedding in a near-by hotel.
Tilly looked stunning as she entered the room with her lovely dress.
During the ceremony, Daddy stood up to do a reading.
The ceremony was really nice and Mummy took a picture of Simon and Tilly, signing the register.
When the ceremony was finished, everyone went outside to have some pictures taken. Here are just a few.
There was then a bit of a wait before going inside for the meal. Everyone just sat chilling out in the sun.
The food was really good and Mummy said that she couldn't breathe in her dress after she had finished her meal.
The cake was cut and then the speeches began.
The best man speech is about 10 minutes long but we have posted it anyway.
After the speeches, Mummy went to the car and had a quick change before sitting back in the sun waiting for the dance floor to be put down for the evening do to begin.
The evening do commenced with the buffet, followed by the first dance and then lots of silly pictures and more dancing.
Mummy and Daddy arrived home after 1am and Mummy went straight to bed as she was on the early shift.
I was so excited to see Mummy when she came in to get me. I gave her loads of kisses and a big cuddle.
We had a really good time messing around in the morning but Mummy wasn't feeling very well so went back to bed when I did.
Uncle Dave was there when I woke up from my nap. He had stayed over the night before because he knew that Mummy and Daddy would be late home.
I played with him and Daddy for ages and did loads of walking. I am getting better at it now but still need a target to aim for.
Mummy stayed in bed as she wasn't well and then after my afternoon nap we dropped some gifts into Sally and Anna's house and then went for a McDonalds.
Mummy really, really enjoyed her McDonalds and wants to have another one already!
We then went to see Nanny and Granddad George.
I had loads of fun as always. I showed them my new skills and sat with Grandad watching the fish.
I had my dinner whilst I was there and made a huge mess! Mummy asked Uncle Dave to help her.
I also made a huge mess when I had my nappy changed. Daddy didn't notice me put my hand down below and poo ended up everywhere! Mummy helped to clear me up.
We left in time to get home for my bath and bed routine. It was a little bit later than normal and I was in bed by 7:25pm. I will still wake up the same time tomorrow though.